Ch. 19: Cut Above the Rest

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They arrived at the area and got out. Emily pulled out her sword and waited for instructions.

"Alright, now tell me which hand is your dominant hand." Lucifer said to Emily.

"My right hand...but I'm much better with my left but I never told anyone." Emily said, holding the short sword in her left hand.

"Let me guess, is it because people in heaven said that left handedness is thought to be against God?" Lucifer asked.

"Yes." Emily said.

"Un-fucking-believable." Lucifer said, groaning and pinching his front temple. "Just how many souls have been condemned to hell for that alone?"

Emily didn't answer, as she didn't know. Taking a deep breath, Lucifer moved in with the lesson.

"Okay. Since you're left handed, put your dominant foot forward with the blade in front of you." Lucifer instructed.

Emily did as instructed, hoping she was doing this right.

"Good, that is a standard sword fighting form but you can make changes to it later if you want. " Lucifer said before fire came from his hand and formed into a sword. "Now, repeat after me and follow my swings."

With each swing Lucifer did, Emily followed. Each one nearly perfect as Emily gave him her full attention.

'She's a quick study, impressive.' Lucifer thought as he moved closer slowly.

"Okay, Emily. I'm going to stop swinging but you are going to continue, I'll just block or parry." He said.

"Okay, I'm ready." Emily said.

Emily swung, Lucifer just blocked it like it was nothing.

"Again." Lucifer said.

Emily tried again, being blocked by Lucifer once more.

"Again and don't be afraid to change tactics." Lucifer said.

Emily nodded as she gripped her short sword with both hands, swinging with more power as Lucifer kept blocking her attacks.

She kept trying, before on one attack, Lucifer dodged, took the sword, and stabbed her in the stomach with it. Thankfully, he made sure it was just normal metal and not angel metal, so if anything, it was just more discomfort than anything, but she still fell to the ground with a groan.

"Never let your guard down." Lucifer said.

"Okay...but OW!" Emily screamed from being stabbed. "WHAT THE FUCK, DAD?"

Lucifer pulled the sword out of her stomach.

"You know, Charlie said that same thing when I did that with her training pitchfork." Lucifer said, helping her up, "One thing you need to learn, is that you should always be prepared for when your opponent will strike back."

He handed her her sword back.

"Again." He said.

Emily winced before her wounded began to heal, allowing her to breathe easier as she stood up with her sword.

"Do you really have to cut me to hell me learn?" Emily asked.

"I don't like it anymore than you do, but it's a father's job to make sure his children are prepared anything." Lucifer said, holding his sword out. "Now, let's go again and remember. Be prepared for when your opponent will strike back."

Over the next hour, they would do the same attack. Lucifer would sometimes go two or three or even ten turns before taking Emily's sword and stabbing her again. After the fifteenth time getting stabbed, Emily was getting a bit more annoyed.

"Again." Lucifer said, as Emily got up.

Emily pulled her sword out of her chest and held it. She went for a strike, and noticed Lucifer dodge it. He grabbed the sword, but when he went to stab Emily, she threw a fist and hit him in the chest. He stumbled back and dropped the sword. Emily picked it up and shoved it through his chest.

"Ugh!" He let out, as gold blood hit the ground.

Things were quiet for a minute, before Lucifer smiled.

"Now you're getting it." He said, before pulling the sword out and handing it back to her, "Again."

Emily took her short sword before assuming a new stance, one of her own design as she held her sword above her head and held her right hand out in front of her.

"Okay, dad. Let's go again." Emily said.

Emily attacked, this time, knocking Lucifer back.

'She put more power behind it, good!' Lucifer thought with a grin.

Emily kept in attacking, pressuring Lucifer to do nothing but block and parry her strikes.

'That's it. Keep going, Ducky!' Lucifer thought before pushing her back.

Skidding to a stop, Emily ran back and jumped at him as Lucifer swung from underhand! Emily did the same while gritting her teeth, slamming her sword down on his hard enough that Lucifer's sword broke into.

'I did it! It broke!' Emily thought with a grin as the top half clanged in the ground.

Lucifer looked down at the broken blade and smiled.

"Not bad." Lucifer said, "I think you've made good progress for today."

"I think so too, even with all the stabs and cuts you have me." Emily said, looking over her body and outfit.

There was no signs of damage to her body but her clothes were ruined from the training.

Lucifer smirked and snapped his fingers, fixing her outfit.

"There you go. All cleaned up." Lucifer said before rubbing his hands together. "Now, how about we get some lunch? All that sword fighting works up an appetite."

A loud growling made Emily blush, holding her stomach with a small chuckle in her lips.

"I guess it did." Emily said as she put her blade in the sheath.

"Then let's go." Lucifer said.

Emily and Lucifer got back into the limo and drove away, unaware of a spy drone that had been watching them since they left the hair salon.

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