Ch. 17: Good Hair Day

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When Lucifer arrived, he didn't expect to be tackled by his youngest daughter.

"Dad!" Emily yelled happily.

"Hahahahaha! Hey little Ducky!" Lucifer said as he hugged her back. "Couldn't wait until your old man arrived, huh?"

"What are we doing? What are we doing? What are we doing!?" Emily asked, as excited as a puppy when you take it for a walk for the first time.

"Just some stuff, first... we're getting you a haircut." Lucifer said as they broke the hug.

"... Charlie told you about the door incident the other day, didn't she?" Emily asked, losing her smile.

"Yep." Lucifer said, "And we don't want you getting your hair stuck in anymore doors."

"But I like my long hair. And Vaggie had long hair too!" Emily said.

"Maybe but she can managed it better. And yours is scrapping against the ground right now." Lucifer said, looking down at Emily's hair right behind her feet.

"I can handle-"

She tried walking, got her feet tangled in her hair, and landed face first on the ground.

"... Okay, I need a haircut." Emily admitted.

"Exactly." Lucifer said as he helped her up. "Our first stop is the hair salon."

He put her in the limo and they drove off.

"Is everyone going to make it a habit of literally handling me like a baby?" Emily asked.

"Sorry, I won't do that again if it bothers you." Lucifer said.

The ride was quiet, an awkward silence until Emily said something.

"You aren't like what they say in heaven." She said.

"I would assume so. What exactly do they say about me? You know, from THEIR viewpoint of my actions?" Lucifer asked.

"They say you're a dark angel, that you hurt others and intentionally brought sin into the world." Emily revealed.

"... Giving free will to humanity was the biggest mistake of my life, but I do believe that I could've done something with it. It could've been something great." Lucifer said, "I never meant to cause problems."

"You gave humanity free will? They never said that." Emily said in surprise.

"Yes. While Adam just wanted control, I have Eve a choice when I gave her the apple of from the tree. The very first choice humanity had, I didn't know it would be considered a sin. I just wanted Eve and all of humanity to think for themselves since even God himself doesn't have EVERY answer." Lucifer explained. "Lot of good that did... now I have this place of sin and horror to watch over."

"I guess but it's not that bad. This place has some good things." Emily said, smiling.

"Hehehehehe, you really are Charlie's sister, Ducky. Always seeing the bright side of things." Lucifer said with a grin.

"Thanks but I'm serious, dad. There are good things down here." Emily said before hugging him. "Like you and Charlie."

Lucifer felt tears form as he hugged her back.

'Take that, depression!' He thought, happily.

How can anyone call him a bad father when he has two wonderful daughters?

After a peaceful drive, the duo arrived at the hair salon and entered with every sinner gasping in shock.

Emily wasn't a big fan of the attention, thankfully her dad knew how to handle that.

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