1. Their different lives

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Author's POV

The city of Banaras, the beloved city of Mahadev. In a small house of 2 floors, in the hall there is a tulsi plant in which a man in a police uniform was standing and putting water in it while chanting a prayer.

Om Tulsidevye Cha Vidmahe Vishnupriyaye Cha Dheemahi Tanno Vrinda Prachodayat.

When he heard an irritating voice of a girl. That man smiled. " This girl is still a child." said that man. This man is Anand Arora. The commissioner of police. Anand ji came to the kitchen and saw Kashish wearing an Indian white kurta along with jeans, bangles in one hand, her long hair were tied in a lose braid, a nose ring and earrings in her ear. She was so beautiful that anyone would fall for her in one look only. Anand ji moved his head.

" Kashish. " said Anand ji. Kashish turned towards her father. " Baba, just 2 minutes and the food would be ready. " said Kashish, " Kashish, if you are having difficultly in making the food then I can help you. " said Anand ji. Kashish looked at him. " No. " said Kashish. Anand ji then came to the breakfast table and sat down. He knew that Kashish was stubborn. She will do what she wants to do even if someone stops her. After a moment, Kashish got the food. It was dosa but half burnt. Kashish looked at Anand ji.

" I will make another one. " said Kashish. Anand ji held her. " Kashish, calm down. I will have this only. " said Anand ji, " But. " said Kashish, " It's nothing for me. You made it and that is fine for me. " said Anand ji. Kashish smiled. " Okay. " said Kashish. Kashish looked at the time. " Oh my gosh. It is time for the result. " said Kashish. Kashish picked the keys of her bike.

She looked at Anand ji. " Baba, I will get the lunch for you and remember you take your medicines. " said Kashish while wearing her shoes. " Okay. " said Anand ji. Kashish put the keys in the bike and sat on it. She wore her helmet and then she kicked started the bike and then drove it from there. Her long hair that was coming out of the helmet was flowing in the air.

She reached the Kailash Nath University, Banaras, she stopped the bike in the parking and came down. She ran towards the result board. Kashish always wanted to be like her father. She wanted to be an IPS officer. She came to the result board and started to look for her name. Kashish smiled after seeing her name on the top. " Finally. I am an IPS now. I only have to give the interview. " said Kashish.

Suddenly Nandani hugged Kashish from behind. " Kashish, finally you completed your dream. " said Nandini. Kashish smiled and hugged Nandani back. " Yeah. " said Kashish. After that they both came out of the college on Kashish's bike. Nandani looked at Kashish. " Bro, listen. Tomorrow you will have your interview. So. " said Nandani. Kashish turned the bike. " Bro, I will never go out of Banaras. " said Kashish. Nandani smiled.

Suddenly Kashish stopped the bike and saw some people hitting a man. Kashish came down the bike. Nandani held her. " No Kashish. " said Nandani. Kashish looked at her. " Don't worry. I will handle them. " said Kashish. Kashish looked around and saw a stick. She picked it up and hit it on one of the men. That stick broke. All the men looked at Kashish. " How dare you hit us? Do you even know whose men we are? " said one of the men.

Kashish picked another stick and kept the other end of the stick on the floor. " I don't care whose men you are. But this is Banaras, everything happens what Mahadev says. " said Kashish. Kashish picked that stick and started to hit those men. One by one all the men fell down half dead. One of the men clicked Kashish's photo and then ran from there. Kashish picked the men who were being beaten.

" Are you fine, Kaka? " asked Kashish, " Yeah, I am fine. " replied Kaka. Kashish came to the bike. She sat on it and took the bike from there. Nandani looked at her. " You are a badass, Kashish. " said Nandani. Kashish smiled. Rajasthan, in a beautiful haveli, a man wearing a pagri tied on his head, golden kurta with white dhoti with shoes and a gold chain in his neck.

A Rudraaksh mala in his neck. That man looked at an old man with torn clothes sitting on the floor and a wealthy man was sitting on the chair along with that old man. That man looked at the other man sitting on the chair. " What did you do? " asked Vardhan. That man looked at Vardhan. " Thakur sa, this man tried to steel from my locker. So my men gave him a good treatment. " replied that man. Vardhan looked at that old man.

" Why did you? " asked Vardhan. That old man looked at Vardhan and joined his hands. " Thakur sa, tomorrow is my daughters' wedding. Those people are asking for dowry worth 1 lakh. And I don't have so much money. So I had to do this. " said the old man. Vardhan looked at that man. " How dare you touch that man? " said Vardhan. That man got shocked. " But Thakur sa. " said that man, " Shut up. " shouted Vardhan in anger.

Vardhan got up. " I know what he did was wrong. His way might be wrong but his intention wasn't. Kaka, I will pay for your daughter's marriage." said Vardhan. That old man fell into Vardhan's feet. " Thank you Thakur sa." said that old man. Vardhan picked that old man. " Now go. " said Vardhan. That old man left from there. Now Vardhan looked at that man. " Now you. Next time if you dare to touch any man in my area. Then I will surely kill you. " said Vardhan.

That man got up. " I will see you Thakur Vardhan Singh Thakur. " said that man and then left from there. When Jairaj came there. " Vardhan. " said Jairaj. Vardhan looked at his father and then came to him. He touched his feet. " Stay happy." said Jairaj. Jairaj looked at Vardhan and kept his hands on his shoulders.

" I am proud that you are a great leader. I know that you are going to win the elections. It is just that." said Jairaj when a man came inside. " Chote Thakur sa." said that man. Vardhan looked at him. " What is it?" asked Vardhan, " Actually, our trucks have been taken in custody of the commissioner of Banaras and he is not letting them go." said that man. Vardhan picked a flower vase and threw it on the floor. That man got scared. Jairaj looked at that man.

" How can this be possible? Who is this man who dares to stop us, the Thakurs?" said Jairaj. Jairaj looked at Vardhan. " Vardhan, we will go to Banaras tomorrow. Let's see who this man is. Even if he is the commissioner he doesn't have the right to stop us." said Jairaj. Vardhan moved his head. When Ashwini came there. " What are you father-son duo planning?" asked Ashwini. Jairaj and Vardhan looked at her.

" Nothing my love." replied Jairaj and walked towards Ashwini. Jairaj hugged Ashwini. " So what did you make?" asked Jairaj, " I made the food." replied Nitya while coming out. Nitya was dressed in a traditional Rajasthani lehenga. Nitya came to Jairaj. " Baba, I made the food. " said Nitya, " Oh that means we are dead today." said Ekansh while coming there. Nitya looked at Ekansh and made a face. " Shut up. I am a good cook." said Nitya. Ekansh laughed.

" Good joke bro." said Ekansh and sat down. Ashwini, Jairaj, Vardhan and Nitya also sat down. The servants then served everyone food. Ekansh looked at Vardhan. " Vardhan, be careful before eating the food." said Ekansh. Vardhan looked at Rohit. " I know that my sister wouldn't cook bad food." said Vardhan with a lot of confidence. Jairaj smiled. Everyone had the food.

After that Nitya picked her bag and left for the college. Vardhan was sitting in the study when the same man who clicked Kashish's photo came inside. Vardhan looked at that man. " Did you get that shop?" asked Vardhan. That man got scared. " We all tried to, but that girl." replied that man. Vardhan got angry. He picked the gun and pointed it at the man.

" I told you that I want that shop." said Vardhan. That man came and fell into Vardhan's feet. " Thakur sa, this girl came from nowhere and started to beat us. " said that man and showed Vardhan Kashish's photo. Vardhan took the phone from that man. " She will soon face my wrath." said Vardhan. Vardhan then threw the phone on the floor and it broke.

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