12. The marriage date

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Author's POV

Kashish came down. Neel was looking at Kashish only. " Wow she is such a beauty." said Neel in his mind. Jairaj looked at Kashish and then looked at Neel. " Neel, meet Kashish, she is Vardhan's wife." said Jairaj. Neel got up and moved his hand towards Kashish. " Hello, Thakur rani sa." said Neel, " Hello." said Kashish and then sat down. She didn't do a hand shake with Neel.

Neel's mother, Reyana looked at Kashish. " Which royal family do you belong to?" asked Reyana. Kashish looked at her. " None." replied Kashish. Reyana looked at Ashwini. " Oh god. How can you let this happen?" asked Reyana. Ashwini looked at her. " It doesn't matter to us." said Ashwini. Vardhan came there. " I think you are here to discuss the marriage date not about my marriage." said Vardhan and sat down with Kashish.

Jairaj looked at the pandit. " Come on see what is the best day for marriage of Nitya and Neel. " said Jairaj. The pandit looked at him. " Yeah sure." said the pandit. The pandit looked at everything and then looked at everyone. " There are 3 dates for marriage. One is next week, another is next month and the last is 6 months later." said the pandit.

Jairaj looked at Neel's father, Sanket. " Sanket ji, I think we should get the kids married next week only." said Jairaj, " Yeah, we have no problem. Next week we can have the marriage done." said Sanket. Ekansh looked at Nitya. " Nitya, next week. You will be mine. " said Ekansh. Nitya looked at him. " That will never happen." said Nitya. Ekansh smirked.

" Very funny. What a joke." said Ekansh. Nitya got up and then went to sat down with Kashish. Kashish looked at her. " What happened?" asked Kashish, " Nothing Bhabhi sa." replied Nitya. Nitya picked her phone and started to look into it. Kashish looked at Preeti. Preeti, using her expressions, told her to come to the corner. Kashish and Preeti came in the corner.

" What is the matter with Nitya? She should be happy because she told me that she agreed to marry Neel." said Kashish. Preeti looked at her. " Yeah, she agreed because the Singh family promised to help Vardhan Bhai sa in the upcoming elections. Actually she loved Ekansh Bhaiya. " said Preeti. Kashish looked at Ekansh. " Hmm So this is the matter. But we can change anything if Nitya has agreed for the marriage. " said Kashish, " Yeah right. " said Preeti.

Ashwini looked at Kashish and Preeti. " Kids, you all get the food. We will have dinner with the Singh family. " said Ashwini. Kashish and Preeti looked at her. " Sure Maa sa. Come Nitya, Preeti and Nandani. " said Kashish. Kashish, Nitya, Preeti and Nandani then went to the kitchen. Kashish sat down on the chair. " Come on. You make the food. Because if I make the food then they all will die of food poisoning. " said Kashish. Nitya, Preeti and Nandani laughed and then they started to make the food.

When Kashish remembered about her incomplete talk with Anil. " Oh, I had to call commissioner uncle. " said Kashish. Kashish then called Anil but Anil didn't pick the call as he was busy with a murder case. Kashish looked at her phone. " It looks like he is busy. I will call him later. " said Kashish and then kept the phone on the kitchen slab. After some time, the food was ready. Kashish, Nitya, Preeti and Nandani got all the food out and kept it on the dinner table. The Thakur and the Singh family sat down for dinner.

Kashish was eating the food when her phone rang. She saw Anil calling her. She got up. " I have to pick this call. " said Kashish. Kashish cleaned her hands with the handkerchief and then went out of the room. Reyana looked at Vardhan. " Your wife doesn't know table manners. How would she know? She is not of Royal blood. " said Reyana. Ashwini looked at Reyana.

" She is the Thakur rani sa of Rajasthan. She can do whatever she wants to do and you are no one to judge her. " said Ashwini. Jairaj smiled. Reyana made a face. Jairaj looked at Vardhan. " Vardhan, tomorrow you will go to Udaipur and inform Raja sahab to be here for the wedding. " said Jairaj. Vardhan looked at him and moved his head. " Sure papa. I will go to invite him. " said Vardhan.

Kashish came out of the haveli and picked the call. " Hello uncle. " said Kashish, " Ka..Kash..Kashish. H..Hell.Hello. " said Anil, " Uncle, I am not able to hear what you are saying? " said Kashish. The call got cut. Kashish tried to call back and it didn't connect. Kashish came back and saw that the Singh family was leaving. The Singh family sat in the car and then left. Kashish came inside.

Meanwhile, Nandani was in the terrace and looking at the moon. When Sikander came there. " Hi Nandani ji. " said Sikander. Nandani looked at Sikander. " Hello Sikander ji." said Nandani. Sikander stood with Nandani. Nandani looked at Sikander. " I. " said Nandani. Suddenly Sikander held Nandini's hand and pulled her closer. Nandani was shocked with this sudden action of Sikander.

Nandani was scared. " Sikander ji, what is this? Please let me go. " said Nandani, " Shh. " said Sikander. Sikander moved his hand on Nandani's shoulder and picked a lizard. Nandani was shocked to see it. She screamed and hugged Sikander. Sikander threw the lizard away. Nandani realized that she was standing very close to Sikander. She moved back but the chain in Nandani's neck got entangled with Sikander's kurta's button.

Nandani looked at Sikander and then started to untangle the chain and the button. Then Nandani ran from there. Sikander looked at Nandani while running. Meanwhile, in a room, 2 people were kissing each other. " Oh god Meera, you are so nice. " said that man. Meera looked at that man. " I know that, Neel. " said Meera. Meera got up from the bed. She picked a wine glass and then poured the wine in it.

Neel came to her. " Meera, I want that Kashish on my bed for once. " said Neel. Meera turned towards Neel. " Don't worry. You will get her. " said Meera. Neel smiled. " Thanks. " said Neel. The next day, Preeti was driving towards her home in Jaipur. When her car broke down. Preeti came down and started to see the car when a car stopped there. Preeti looked at that car.

The gate of the car opened and Kunal came down. Kunal removed his sunglasses and came to Preeti. " May I help? " asked Kunal, " Yeah, please. " replied Preeti. Preeti moved back and Kunal started to see the car. He looked at Preeti. " This is broken. You need a mechanic to fix the car. " said Kunal, " Oh thanks. I thought that I didn't need it. " said Preeti. Kunal smiled.

" If you have no problem then I can drop you back. " said Kunal. Preeti looked at her. She looked at the time. Then she looked at Kunal. " Okay. " said Preeti. Preeti and Kunal sat in the car and then left from there.

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