16. Questioning him

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Kashish's POV

I know how it feels when you lose your father. At a young age I lost my mother. I don't even remember her face properly and now when I was ready to make my father proud, I lost him just because of that Vardhan. He is responsible of killing my father and this innocent man. And I don't even know how many innocent people he has actually killed since a young age. I know that he is a cruel monster without a heart.

Author's POV

Krish came to Kashish and kept his hand on Kashish's shoulder. Kashish turned towards him. " What happened? Where did you get lost?" asked Krish. What should Kashish say? That the cruel Thakur Vardhan Singh Thakur is her husband. " Nothing. I." said Kashish, " I know that you must be thinking how can we leave a killer." said Krish. Kashish moved her head. " Look, the Thakurs are cruel and the most powerful people. No one dares to say anything to them and their rule is the law of Rajasthan." said Krish, " You mean even if they kill someone, no one can harm them?" asked Kashish, " Yes, no one can harm them or even dare to touch them." said Krish. Kashish got up. " Can I go home? I am not feeling well." said Kashish, " Okay. Go." replied Krish and then went from there. Kashish came out of the police station and then sat in her jeep. She started her jeep and left from there.

Kashish's POV

I have so many questions not jst for that Vardhan but for Papa, Maa sa and even Sikander. For a few days, I thought that he is a good man who cares about his family. But no I was wrong. He is like his father who can kill anyone just for fun. My hatred for this man is increasing day by day. But I can't be like the others. I will make Vardhan regret this. " Papa, I sure that I will walk on your path of truth. Vardhan Singh Thakur will go to jail. And I myself will push him inside the jail." I said while increasing the speed of the car. I reached the Thakur haveli and came down with the handcuffs. I walked inside and saw the Thakur family sitting there. Vardhan was with them. " Vardhan Singh Thakur, you are under arrest." I said.

Author's POV

Everyone looked at Kashish. Ashwini got up. " What are you saying Kashish?" asked Ashwini. Kashish walked towards Ashwini and looked at Vardhan. " Maa sa, your son killed an innocent man. And as a police officer, it is my duty to arrest him." said Kashish. Vardhan got up and came to Kashish. " You can't do this. " said Vardhan, " I will do this because I am on the path of truth like my father. " said Kashish, " Then you might also get the same end as your father. " said Vardhan. Vardhan picked the gun and then kept it on Kashish's forehead. " Shot Mr Vardhan Singh Thakur because this is the only thing you can do and this is the only thing you have been doing for so many years. " said Kashish. Suddenly they all heard a gunshot. Everyone saw that Vardhan had shot the curtain behind Kashish.

Vardhan's POV

I might have kept my gun on Kashish's forehead but I didn't have the courage. Me, Vardhan Singh Thakur, was lacking courage for the first time. Only one thing was going into my mind. Should I shoot her or not? But why? Why was I getting that feeling? Am I falling for her? No, I can never. She slapped me and that was the first time when someone slapped me. When suddenly someone turned me around and slapped me.

Author's POV

Ashwini's slap shocked everyone. Ashwini and Jairaj had never slapped Vardhan. " You have disrespected my upbringing. I can't believe that you pointed a gun at your wife. " said Ashwini. Ashwini then went from there. Jairaj looked at Vardhan. " Very bad Vardhan. You have not just upset your mother but you have also upset your father. " said Jairaj. Jairaj also went from there. Vardhan looked at Kashish. " Ready for going to jail?" asked Kashish. Vardhan smiled. " Sikki." said Vardhan. Sikander looked at Vardhan.

" Sorry Thakur sa but." said Sikander. Vardhan looked at Sikander in anger. " Okay Thakur sa." said Sikander. Sikander and all his men pointed their guns at Kashish. "Thakur rani sa, we can't allow you to take Thakur sa with you. " said Sikander. Kashish looked at Sikander. " Seriously Sikander? " said Kashish, " Sorry Thakur rani sa but it is my duty to protect thakur sa." said Sikander, " I will still take him at any cost." said Kashish and held Vardhan's hand. Kashish was about to put the handcuffs on Vardhan's when they heard a gunshot.

A bodyguard had fired the bullet on Kashish and it hit Kashish's arm. " Ouch." said Kashish and held her arm. The handcuff fell down from her hand. Vardhan looked at that man in anger. He pointed his gun on that man and shot that man on his forehead. Kashish was shocked to see this scene. Vardhan looked at all the bodyguards. " How dare you touch her. She is my wife. Your Thakur rani sa." said Vardhan. Kashish was looking at Vardhan. Vardhan held Kashish's hand and pulled her towards their room. " Var..Vardhan, leave my hand. It is hurting." said Kashish, " Shut up." said Vardhan.

Vardhan pulled Kashish inside the room and threw her inside. Vardhan closed the door and then picked the first aid box. Kashish looked at him. " I will do it on my own. Thanks." said Kashish. But Vardhan didn't listen to anything. He threw the first aid box on the bed and held Kashish's hands. " Leave my hand. " said Kashish. But Vardhan didn't listen and made Kashish lay on the bed. He held Kashish's hands with one of his hand and started opening the buttons of Kashish's uniform.

" Vardhan. Move away from me. " said Kashish. Vardhan removed Kashish's shirt and threw it on the floor. Then he picked the first aid box and started to do the bandage on Kashish's wound. Thankfully the bullet didn't hit straight into Kashish's arm. It just touched Kashish's arm and then went.

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