S1-E2: The Creeping Creatures

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A family of three enter a town in their car, passing by a sign that says "Welcome to Gatorsburg. Population: 3." They're trying to get New York City, but somehow ended up in Gatorsburg, California, which is only three miles from Crystal Cove. Wife: "Are you sure this is New York City?" Husband: "Yeah, absolutely, now, if I'm not mistaken, this here is, uh, Broadway. What's that street sign say?" ""Gator Avenue."" "Hm, I wonder how far Gator Avenue is from Broadway." Daughter: "According to this map, 2,000 miles." "Well, in that case, we're going to need to fill up the tank, ha ha." he says, as he turns toward a small gas station. Little did the family know that the town was actually deserted so the gas tanks won't work. Husband: "Hello? Hello, anybody? Hello?" he called out as he got out of the car. That's when their dog, Puddles, ran out the car, so the daughter had to get out and chase her. Daughter: "Puddles! Come back!" Puddles stopped near some bushes and started growling at whatever was in there. He jumped in and the daughter got on her knees to search for him. Meanwhile, the husband was trying to figure out how to work the old gas pump. Daughter: "Puddles?" she calls out, just as she sees something odd. She reaches her hand out and touches something that did a soft growl at her. It opened it's red glowing eyes and tried to bite her as it snarled. Daughter: "[screaming in terror] Gator Man!!!" she screams, as she runs back in the car. Husband: "Oh, sweetie, there's no such thing as..." He was proven wrong as the gator man leaps put the bushes in front of him. "Gator man!!! Uh-ha-ha-ha!" He runs back in the car and closes the door in time, then all three see a gator woman appear in the windshield, causing them all to scream. The husband hits the gas pedal and drove off, after getting their dog, Puddles, back in the car, losing their luggage in the process.

The gang are at Fred's mansion, trying to pass the time with their boredom. They haven't had a mystery since the slime mutant. Fred is building a trap, Daphne is reading some magazines and the others are just chilling on the couch and chairs. Nakala is the only making the best of it by doing stretches and exercises. Velma: "Oh, I'm so bored. We haven't had a good mystery in I don't know when!" Daphne: "[sighs] Fred, I think I've read every magazine in your house." Then she notices a magazine with a girl in a bikini in between the couch seats. "What's that?" Fred sees what she's asking about and tries to grab by leaping over the couch, but failed. Fred: "No, don't! Don't! [grunts]" Daphne: ""Traps illustrated?" Freddy!" Nakala: "Yikes." Fred: "I, uh, I read it for the articles. In fact, it's where I got the idea for this little beauty." he says, pointing to the trap he installed at his front door. Velma: "Who do you expect to trap outside your front door." Right on cue, the doorbell rings and the trap is sprung as groaning is heard. Fred: "Let's find out." he says, going to the door to see it was the mailman.

Mailman: "I got a package for, uh, Fred Jones." Fred: "Hey, that's me." Fred grabs the package and shuts the door, leaving the mailman hanging and waiting to be let down. Fred pushes a button on his trap that lets the mailman down. "Ah! Oh!" he groaned, causing the others to wince at the sound. Fred sets the package down on the table and sits down, wondering what it is. Nakala: "Since you're staring at it with that face, I'm guessing you didn't order anything." Fred: "Yep." Scooby: "Then...what is it?" Shaggy: "Like, um, I think it's a box." Nakala: "[stifled laugh, but shakes it off] Yes, we can see that." Fred opens the box and they see a pink piece of paper on top of something else. Velma grabs it and is surprised to see who it's from. Velma: "[gasps] It's from Mr. E!" she says while showing the side of the note with a red E in a red circle. Nakala: "What's it say?" Velma: ""Saved this for a rainy day. Enjoy." Daphne: "Humph. Mr. E gives me the creeps." Fred reaches in the box for whatever it was that Mr. E sent them. Daphne: "Fred, careful. That could be a bomb." Her fears went down immediately when Fred pull out a crocodile skinned purse. "Ooh, strike that. Cute purse." she trying to grab it, only for Fred to move it away and be grabbed by Nakala. Fred then noticed something on the purse.

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