S1-E5: The Song of Mystery

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It is night time at a certain house where a young boy named Arthur is watching his favorite show before bed. Mr. Gabodalophordia: "Broccoli Head!" Broccali Head enters the office of his boss and gives a salute as he speaks in his cheerful voice. Broccoli Head: "You wanted to see me, sir?"  Arthur: "Ha ha ha." he laughs, doing the same salute. Mr. Gabo: "Deliver these packages right away." Broccoli: "Yes, Mr. Blubofunny. Mr. Covigheim." "Gabodaglophordia. How many times I gotta tell ya? Gabodaglophordia!" "Gablo..[babbling then salutes]" Arthur falls back as he laughs, but stops when he sees his babysitter, Daphne, turned the TV off. Daphne: "Bedtime, Arthur." The two make their way to Arthur's room and he happily gets in bed. Daphne tucks him in and gives him a kiss on the head before walking to the door. Arthur: "Night-night, Daphne. You're the bestest babysitter ever." Daphne blows him a kiss before shutting off the lights and heading back to the living room to continue reading. All of a sudden, the sound of a flute was heard from outside.

Daphne: "That's odd. Who could be playing a pan flute? At this hour?" she says as she gets up from her seat and walks toward the window. She pulls the curtains aside and sees a strange figure standing across the street. Before she could even try to make it out what it was, she heard clattering from upstairs and went to check on Arthur. When she opened his bedroom door, she saw Arthur standing in a corner, not moving or saying anything. She walked over and reached for him to see if he was alright. Daphne: "Arthur, are you alright?" Arthur turns around and reveals his new hideous, monstrous face. He had longer hair that's white, yellow eyes, fangs and claws, and grey skin with tattered clothes. Daphne screams as she's being chased by an athletic, zombified Arthur down the stairs. She tries to open the door, but forgets to unhook the lock. She gives up on the door 'cause Arthur jumps at her, causing her to duck and book it for the window. She managed to get out just before Arthur could grab her and looks back to see Arthur close the window and backflip away. Daphne turns to where she saw the figure playing the pan flute, but all that was left was a swirl of smoke.

It is morning time and the gang is on their way to school while Daphne tells them what happened to her last night. Daphne: "I just don't understand what got into Arthur last night. Once second he's as sweet as he can be and the next he's trying to kill me." Fred: "Maybe he had too much sugar." "Sugar doesn't make you grow fangs." Shaggy: "Ha ha ha! Good! 'Cause if there's one thing I love it's sugar." he says swallowing a doughnut whole. Scooby: "Me too." he says doing the same thing. "Delicious!" "Like, you said it, Scoob. Delicious." Velma: "Shaggy, you promised me you weren't going to use the word "like" so much. It makes you sound ignorant." Scooby: "Huh?" Nakala: "I have to agree with Velma. It is rather annoying hearing it be used so much like that. Like, even I don't use it that way...much. By the way, mind handing me doughnut?" Shaggy: "Like, sure." he says as he hands him a doughnut then looks back at Velma who's giving him a look. Shaggy: "Oh. Sorry."

Daphne: "We're only a few blocks from Arthur's house. Can we stop by and see how he's doing?" Fred: "Sure. We're not gonna miss anything at school. [gasps] Oh, wait. I forgot about civics class. I'm flunking out. Couch says if I don't pass, I'm off the team." Daphne: "Hey, I'm great at civics. I could tutor you. I could come over and...you know, help you study. Just you and me. Alone." she says while staring at him all dreamy while blanking twice. "Gee, Daph, thanks. But my dad already hired a tutor. I'm supposed to meet her in the library during lunch." "Her?!" "Yeah, a senior. Dad said she's brilliant." Daphne looks down in disappointment while Nakala holds his hand over his face, feeling sad for the girls. Nakala: "*[sigh] Those two keep on trying but it only ends up in failure. I feel so bad for them having that kind of determination. It's only gonna end up with a heartbreak.*"

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