S1-E10: Howl of the Fright Hound

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It is night time in Crystal Cove, and a couple of guys that work at an animal asylum are scared of something. Officer 1: "Oh, please! Please, stop!" Officer Johnson: "Ohh!" "Stop!" "Please!" "No more! No more!" They act like they're screaming for their lives, but they're really screaming at fellow employee with coffee in his hands. Willard: "What's that?! I had the volume down on my hearing aid." he says as he adjusts the volume and tries to hand them another cup of coffee. Johnson: "Willard, you know I can't drink that much coffee. It aggravates my plumbing." All of a sudden, the entire building started shaking and caused Willard to drop his coffee. Officer 2: "[on comms] Breach in Sector A!" Willard: "Emergency lockdown!" he says as he sounds the alarm. Guards and officers got their shotguns and readied them at the entrance. But the intruder came in through the wall and everyone saw it was a great dane with very sharp teeth and glowing red eyes. It even had what seems to be a pocke knife in its right eye. The officers stood paralyzed as the fright hound leaped at them and threw them across the room like nothing. More guards came into the room and tried to subdue the animal, but they got tossed away as well. The officers and guards got scared and ran for their lives as the fright hound watched while standing on the desk. But this was no break out; It was a break in. For what purpose? What's even weirder is that it's wearing Scooby's collar.

It is afternoon in Crystal Cove and the gang are outside the school, sitting on the steps while feeling bored. Nakala wasn't bored, though. He used this time to do a bit of stretching. Shaggy: "Like, another boring day or regular boring old school." Velma: "I'm sure we could find some ways to spice things up." she says while scooting closer to him. Scooby, however, gets in between the two. He's now on better terms with Shaggy, but the conflict is still going on. Scooby: "Yum, spicy! Like spicy meatballs." Velma: "Ugh. You know, sometimes I feel like a side of mayo on a Shaggy-Scooby sandwich." Sc & Sh: "[laughs and slurps] Yum. Mayo." "It's time you made a choice; dog...or me?" she says while looking at him all dreamy. Shaggy: [giggles nervously] Um...[giggles again] Yeah." A loud noise was heard and everyone in the parking lot sees a big mechanical spider move and jump around. It purposefully scratches the paint job of a green pickup truck and damages an antenna of yellow car. Ethan: "Dude, my paint job!" Gary: "My Chubby, the chipmunk educational antenna ball." Daphne: "What is that thing?" Fred: "It's a mystery, Daphne. And the only thing that'll stop a mystery is a trap." The big spider robot goes over to the gang and stops as a fat, nerdy looking kid with braces walks over with a remote. Jason: "That or an ingeniously fashioned remote control. Ha ha! Look, Velma. All those jocks and populars cower when faced with my mechanical menace. Who's in charge now, jocks and populars?"

Gary and Ethan sneak up behind him and give hem a wedgie before pushing him to the ground. Both: "We are!" Ethan: "And you're buying me a new paint job dork." he says before the two walk away. Jason: "A small price to pay, eh, Velma?" Daphne: "Velma? Do you know this boy?" "Know me? Why, she's talked to me. And she's a girl who isn't my mother." Velma: "[uncomfortable sigh] Everyone, this is Jason." "We were in the Junior Robotics Club together. As in Velma and Jason. Together." he said all lovey dovey. Nakala: "*Oh, great. He's probably a creepy stalker.*" Velma: "Listen, Jason." Jason: "We used the same toolbox. And once, she touched my knuckle." "Seriously, Jason, can you please--" "Hang out with you and all your friends? Oh, snap, girl. I second that emotion." "Jason, see, the thing is... [quietly] Oye. Little help." Daphne: "[quietly] Tell him you've already committed your heart to a very special boy." Shaggy: "[quietly] I'll handle this. [normal] Like, sorry, Jason, but Velma has super important Mystery Incorporated stuff to do." he says as he grabs Velma's hand and pulls her away with the rest of the gang. Nakala: "Take a hint, fatty." Jason growls at the group for treating him that way and taking Velma away from him. Velma: "Shaggy Rogers, how chivalrous of you to rebuke the advances of another suitor." Shaggy: "Um, yeah. You're welcome. But to be honest, all this talk about food has got me starved." he says as he lets go of her hand. "I just want to get out of here so we could eat." he finishes as he and Scooby go ahead. Velma stops in disappointment as the others, including Fred, put their hands on her for comfort.

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