S1-E12: The Shrieking Madness

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On the same night the she-vamp was captured, (A/N: At least I assume so.) a group of students from Darrow University are gathered at the burger joint on the campus. One of the students looks at the book they read and is not impressed. Ben: ""The Shrieking Madness of Char-Gar Gothakon: The Beast That Hath No Name"? You're actually reading this?" Todd: "The professor is a great writer. His stuff is spooky. [slurps drink]" "Hatecraft is a total fake. He says he's just writing what demons from dark dimensions tell him. Please!" he says as he drops the book on the table and pins a picture of Harlan Ellison on the board behind them. Todd: "How do you know they're not true?" he asks as he gets up and grabs the book. Ben: "Um, because I have a brain? Wait until Harlan Ellison speaks here next week. He's  real writer. He'll set you bozos straight about Hatecraft. Later." he says before he leaves. As he's leaving, he starts talking trash about Hatecraft some more.

Ben: ""Char-Gar Gothakon: The Beast That Hath No Name." How can the Professor Hatecraft name the creature in the title, then say it has no name. Ridiculous." As he's walking to his car, a shadow of something is making its way toward him. He doesn't see it at first, but he does smell something awful.  "[sniffs] Ohh! What is that smell?" he asks as he looks back. He simply shrugs it off and goes continues to his car. But he stops again once the smell got hit his nose again. This time, he does see what's causing it as he turns around to see no other than Char-Gar Gothakon. It lets out a powerful screech at Ben, which not only pushes him back, but knocks cars out of the way. Ben runs to his car while pleading for the creature to leave him alone. The demon catches up and lets out another shriek, sending Ben up in the air and landing back down on his car. Ben is in a daze from the fall and sees Char-Gar Gothakon reach for him. Ben: "Please! Please!! [screams]"

The next morning, the gang (minus Nakala) are driven to Darrow University to visit their future college. Little did they know is that they were all there. Barty: "Now, Daph, chin up. Spending some time away from your little mystery club will do you some good." Nan: "Except that Nakala fellow. He seems like the one for you." Daphne: "[blushes] Mom!" "Now, stop by he building we paid for, and if you see any professors, remind them your sisters all graduated from Darrow University by the time they were 13." "I'm only visiting this school because you want me to, mom. What if Darrow isn't for me?" "A college good enough for the other Blake girls isn't good enough for you? Ha ha ha! Oh, Daphne. Sometimes I wish we would have had a boy." she says as she pats her head before they let her out. In front of the is Fred and is father, Mayor Jones. Mayor: "Fred, go straight to my old fraternity and drop my name. They have to let you in, no matter how much you talk about traps." Fred: "Man, it feels weird being here without the gang. Things sure have been pretty rough since Shaggy and Velma broke up."

"By Grabthar's hammer, Fred. The Roger's kid chose a dog over a girl. What's he thinking? This isn't some reality show." Fred simply rolls his eyes and gets out of the car. Mayor: "Now, I dreamed of the day you'd be humiliated by my fraternity. Don't blow this for me." In front of them are Velma and her mom, Angie. Velma: "I can't believe I'm here the same day as my favorite author. Do you think Harlan Ellison will sign all my copies of his book?" Angie: "I knew Harlan back in the day. Just tell him Cape Cod Dinkley sent you. He'll sign. [giggles]" In front of them is Shaggy and Scooby with their father, Colton Rogers. Shaggy: "But, like, the best thing about Darrow University is the burger place on campus. They're known everywhere for their burgers." Scooby: "And the french fries, onion ring, and shakes. [slurps]" Colton: "Try not to embarrass us. Better yet, just don't tell them your last name." Shaggy and Scooby get out of the car Colton drives off. They look over and see that their friends are here as well. Everyone in the gang is surprised to see they're all there. Their parents drive off and they all look at each other without saying a word, then walk off. Little did the they know that three figures were watching them for within the shadows. One that they know, one that they haven't seen but saw its work, and one that they haven't heard of yet.

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