S1-E9: Battle of the Humungonauts

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It is night time in Crystal Cove and people are at the brand new joint called "Tiki Tub." While people are enjoying their drinks, a band is on stage with a woman singer named, Trinny Lee. Trinny: "🎶If my lips could only say the pretty words, that I feel in my heart. [walks off stage] If my voice could make the sound, I would tell you how I love you and we'd never be apart. But with just one look into your face, [rubs someone's chin] my mind starts to drift right into space and the words get stuck in my throat! The words get stuck in my throat. [walks back to the stage]🎶" The sheriff and mayor are nearby as well. Sheriff: "You know, I got to hand it to you, mayor. Crystal Cove needed a trendy hot spot like the Tiki Tub, and you delivered. The local cats are going to dig this joint." Mayor: "Just one more check on the to-do list that will turn Crystal Cove into the cultural/paranormal enter of the world. And let me congratulate you, Sheriff, on how quiet things have been around town. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "A quiet town is a place where people like to spend money.""

Trinney finished up her song as she walks on stage and everyone cheers for her and the band. Trinney: "Thank you. Thank you, everyone." Suddenly, one of the people pointed behind her and the band with a shocked look on his face, and everyone sees a tall and muscular shadow figure come up. One it was in the light, everyone saw it was green and hairy beast with glowing green eyes. It pounded its chest before it started to destroy everything around Tiki Tub with such ease as people fled or hid. Once it was done, it jumped away and the mayor and sheriff come out of hiding. Sheriff: "I sure hope you've got insurance mayor, because I want to see that again! Encore! Encore!" he says clapping as the mayor holds a knocked out Trinney while looking down in shame at what has happened.

Morning came and we see the Roger's residence, where Scooby is currently looking for Shaggy. Scooby: "Raggy? Raggy?" he calls out as he enters the bedroom where a radio is playing. Man: "[Radio] Folks, are you worried about terrible things happening to you and the ones you love and not being able to pay for them? Then call the Max Minner Insurance Agency." Scooby: "Ohh, there you are." he says as he pulls the covers on the bed back, only to see it was Harry the dummy. Scooby: "Oops. Sorry, Harry. Didn't mean to wake you." Scooby heads out after confirming that his Shaggy is not in the house. "Raggy! Raggy?" He then hears Shaggy from behind the hedge and thought he was in trouble. Shaggy: "Hoo hoo! Like, cut that out!" Scooby: "Uh-oh. I'll save you, Raggy! Scooby-Doo to the rescue you!" he says as he charges in the hedge only to see Shaggy is safe and sound while kissing Velma, much to his shock as he skids to a stop. Shaggy: "Zoinks! Did Scooby just--" Velma: "Oh, yeah."

Shaggy for some reason thinks he can lie his way out of it, but deep down, he knows it's useless. Velma: "Ouch! My glasses are caught in your hair!" Shaggy: "Oh, uh, like, it's not what you think, old pal. Velma and me were just doing a staring contest, right Velma?" "[sarcastically] Right." "Huh! You see?" Scooby: "Stop it, Shaggy. I'm not stupid. Are you cheating on me?" "Huh! Cheating?! Like, that is just-- That's crazy talk, Scooby-Doo. Cheating? Huh! Please. I mean, you're my dog." "Raggy!" "No! I mean-- Scoob, old pal of mine, um, I care for both of you equally." Velma: "Really?" "[giggles] Yes, really. [whispers to Velma] Like, help me out here." "No, I will not help you out here! Why don't you tell Scooby what's really going on between you and me?" Scooby: "Yeah, tell me." Shaggy: "Oh, boy. Well, Scoob, um, it's kind of like this. On a kind of, sort of, semi-official basis, me and Velma are, like, kind of, sort of spending more time together than you and me. You got it?" Velma: "Oh, brother." she says knowing the way he worded it was wrong. To Scooby, it definitely made it seem like he wasn't as fun to hang out with as Velma is to Shaggy. Shaggy: "Uh-oh." he says as Scooby begins to whimper and cry.

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