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Ch 24: Promise

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Though I nod off a few times during the night, my fear of a dwindling fire slips into my dreams and shakes me awake before I ever fall too deeply.

By morning, my clothes are covered in soot, my arms scraped from tossing around the roughly cut firewood, and my skin coated in a paste of sweat and ash.

"I don't want you anywhere near me or my clothes." Irving holds his nose either out of mockery or because I really do smell that ripe. "Just sit in a corner and wait until I leave, then you can wash up and change."

This I will do wholeheartedly. No back talk or challenging glances from me.

I curl up in a corner near the fireplace because despite the unpleasant night we spent together, the hearth is still what's keeping me warm in my dirty nightgown.

"Get breakfast in the kitchen and then clean this room."

His words and a rough nudge with his foot shake me from the catnap that overtook me the moment I settled onto the floor.

I nod my understanding, but can't find words to speak, since my throat is so sore from inhaling wayward wisps of smoke all night.

Whether he intended for me to have a full bath or not, I don't know, but he can crush me into pulp for all I care. Once he is out the door, I drag my aching bones to the bathroom and fill the tub about halfway.

The water turns gray the moment I slip in. I enjoy the lukewarm heat for a few minutes, nearly dozing off again as I do. Thankfully, the water quickly grows cold, and it keeps me alert. I scrub my skin and hair before splashing fresh water from the tap to rinse myself clean.

Dressed and refreshed, I head down to the kitchen, where most of the others have already grabbed a bite to eat. There are a couple of dragoniths finishing their breakfast and they help me locate a bit of bread and jam. I waste no time eating my meager meal before returning to the tower.

The day passes easily despite it all.

Irving is busy wherever he is and Jennit manages to sneak in to help me with my tasks, since I really don't know all the ins and outs of being a maid. She leaves me when the bigger tasks are done and I go about sorting through her list of chores. One of which includes stocking up the bath if needed.

"Damn it," I mutter, picking up the dwindling shampoo and conditioning oils. "Why must we both have such long hair?"

I think about Cephias's short, shaggy mane and the way it frames his dark brow and striking red eyes. My chest clenches when I recall his challenging smirk begging me to test him.

"Damn it," I mutter again, slamming the cabinet door and heading for the hallway.

I walk down the spiraling staircase of the tower, knowing that I'm going to have to climb up each step again before marching right back down for dinner. My calves ache and I want to stop halfway to fall into a weepy heap on the floor.

But I push on without a tear shed.

Princesses don't cry.

Once in the heart of the castle, I find one of the many supply closets scattered around the building. This one is home to soaps and oils, as well as lotions, tinctures, and medicinal herbs.

It smells like a garden of peace and bliss.

I inhale deeply outside the door before grabbing hold of the handle. The moment the latch is freed, a pair of arms wraps around me and a hand covers my mouth.

The fear shooting through me shifts from panicked surprise to terrified anxiety.

I know the feel of these arms. They won't hurt me, but they also shouldn't be anywhere near me. The fact they are puts us both at risk.

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