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Ch 33: Village

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What was meant to be a quick afternoon nap ends up being a full night's rest.

I let my mind take its time waking up. My breaths draw in slowly and release out the stress already building inside me. I need to focus today so I can find a way out of town.

I just need to take this step by step, I tell myself. First thing is getting out of bed and to do that, I need to have the IV removed.

I think to call out to Eleanor or Dr. Lara, but I notice my companion sound asleep.

The morning sun highlights the red in his hair, setting his scalp aflame. It also catches the bright auburn in his beard, which has grown scruffy without a chance to shave since we left the castle.

I want to reach out and touch it to see how soft the bristles are. My nails ache to comb over his chin and my fingers yearn to brush away the strands of hair caught in his lashes. But I steady myself, reminding my base urges I am not someone that matters to Cephias.

The echoes of our previous conversation ripple up my spine and straighten my back. I look at the tubing anchoring me in place and decide I'm more than capable of carrying the glass bottle around with me.

As I fumble with the apparatus holding the fluid over my bed, I hear someone clearing their throat behind me. I first look to Cephias, but then turn to find Eleanor at the door.

"I can just remove the needle for you," she says with a sigh before crossing the room. "I was planning to set you loose, anyway. You should go get breakfast in town. You need to start eating and drinking normally, doctor's orders."

"I won't argue with that."

I sit still as she removes my tether with ease and staves off the bleeding with a fresh plaster.

"She'd also like you to eat foods like soups or baked fish with vegetables. Keep it light for at least another day or two."

"Well, the chowder I had yesterday was delicious, so I imagine a similar soup will be just as good."

"Oh, what a treat! Might have been heavier than Lara would have liked, but I can't blame you for trying it. We don't always have the cream on hand to make that. Though, considering Dread will be here in a couple of days, I doubt we'll have anything so luxurious at the tavern for a while."

"I'm grateful for whatever food is offered. We're in debt to your village."

"Oh, please don't think of it that way. We're just doing what's right."

I know it's best not to fight her on it and instead head for the door. Then I pause at the landing, looking back to where Eleanor is standing by Cephias.

"Go on now. Lara's sleeping, but I'm sure you'll find someone outside who can help direct you if you don't remember where the tavern is. I need to stay here and check how he's healing."

"Was he okay last night?"

She pauses and looks over at the dragon's serene figure before facing me again.

"You must have needed sleep more than we thought. His screaming last night could've woken the dead." She shakes her head, but smiles when she looks at how peaceful he is now. "He never woke up either, merely cried out at the horror haunting his dreams."

I feel my skin grow cold as the color drains.

"What did he say?"

"Not really sure," she answers in what feels like an honest tone. "We think it might have been names. If we were to guess, he feared for these people and was calling out to them, begging them to stay or maybe be okay or... I don't know, it was hard to tell anything. He just looked sad, helpless, and so very, very afraid."

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by Sylvia N. Gould
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