Chapter 12: The Gift

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Feng Yuansheng was seated in the grand living room of the hotel, surrounded by elegant furnishings and decor that exuded a sense of luxury and sophistication. The room resembled an opulent apartment, with plush carpets, ornate artwork, and comfortable furniture that beckoned guests to sit and relax.

Feng Yuansheng was focused intently on his work, his brow furrowed as he read through various documents and reports. Li Ming, his capable secretary, stood nearby, updating him on the details of the upcoming meeting at noon.

The room was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a small figure, hobbling awkwardly on one foot. Yun Cheng had just woken up from a nap and was rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Upon seeing the young boy, Li Ming rushed over to assist him and helped him over to the couch. "Good morning, Young Master Yun," he greeted.

Yun Cheng hopped forward, wincing in pain. "Good morning Uncle Ming, Good morning Third Uncle."

Feng Yuansheng grunted in response and paused his work to inquire, "What's the matter?"

Yun Cheng lifted his left foot, which was swollen and bruised. "It hurts," he said, pouting slightly.

Feng Yuansheng signaled his secretary while Li Ming examined the injury and saw that it was slightly swollen. "Young Master Yun, you shouldn't be hopping around like that," he gently scolded before scooping up the boy and carrying him over to the couch. "Let me take a look at this."

After inspecting the wound, Li Ming determined that it needed to be redressed. "Wait here, Young Master Yun. We need to redress your wound." He then retrieved the box that Doctor Shang had given them the day before.

As Li Ming tended to his wounds, Yun Cheng turned to Feng Yuansheng with hopeful eyes. "Third Uncle, I want to buy a gift for my pretty sister."

Feng Yuansheng let out an exasperated sigh, clearly annoyed by the boy's persistent requests. Yun Cheng had been pestering him non-stop since yesterday about his "pretty sister."

"No," Feng Yuansheng flatly refused.

Yun Cheng felt wronged and pleaded, "Third Uncle, please. I promise to be obedient."

"Yun Cheng, we're here on business," Feng Yuansheng responded sharply. "You can't just run off and do whatever you want."

Li Ming stepped in to defuse the tension. "Sir, I have already arranged everything. Young Master Yun will be perfectly safe, and he won't be in any trouble."

Feng Yuansheng hesitated for a moment, then relented. "Fine," he said gruffly. "But don't take too long, and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble."

"Yes Sir," Li Ming said with a grateful nod. "I'll keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't run into any troubles."

Yun Cheng couldn't contain his joy. "Thank you so much, Third Uncle. I won't be any trouble, I promise," he exclaimed.

With that, Li Ming gently lifted Yun Cheng up and carried him out of the room. Despite his dislike of being carried, He was ecstatic that his third uncle had granted his request.

As they left, Feng Yuansheng returned to his work, still annoyed but relieved that he the little energetic bun would finally stop sulking after yesterday's tantrum.


Jiang Yan made her way down the dirt path leading to the outskirts of the village. The sun was slowly setting, painting the fields in a warm orange glow. She tightened the strap of her bag and took in the familiar surroundings. The trees swayed softly in the breeze, and the sound of crickets filled the air, taking her back to her childhood.

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