Chapter 17: The Secrets

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Zhou Xuanzhi was busy serving a group of chatty university students when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Song Peng, the restaurant owner, beckoning him to come aside.

"Xuanzhi, can you spare a moment?" Song Peng asked.

"Sure, Mr. Song," Zhou Xuanzhi replied, wiping his hands on his apron.

As they walked to a quieter corner of the restaurant, Song Peng continued. "Li Bo told me about your situation. I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties."

Zhou Xuanzhi looked at him in surprise. He had only mentioned his situation to Li Bo in passing, and had never expected the information to reach the owner.

"Thank you, Mr. Song, but it's nothing to worry about," Zhou Xuanzhi said quickly. "I'm managing just fine."

Song Peng nodded, but Zhou Xuanzhi could see the concern in his eyes. "I understand, but as your employer, I need to ensure that you're being compensated fairly for your work. You're doing an excellent job, and I'm impressed with the number of customers that have been coming in since you started working here."

Ever since Zhou Xuanzhi started working at the restaurant, many high school girls had been coming in just to catch a glimpse of him. A few even went so far as to ask him out, but he always politely declined.

Zhou Xuanzhi felt a warm flush of pride at the compliment. "Thank you, Mr. Song. I'm glad to be of help."

"And I'm glad to have you on my team," Song Peng said with a smile. "That's why I've decided to give you a raise."

Zhou Xuanzhi's eyes widened in surprise. "A raise? That's very generous of you, Mr. Song. Thank you so much."

Song Peng had learned about Zhou Xuanzhi's financial situation from Li Bo, one of his friend's younger cousins. While he sympathized with Zhou Xuanzhi's predicament, Song Peng wasn't one to dole out charity. However, seeing the profits of the restaurant steadily rise due to Zhou Xuanzhi's hard work and dedication, he made the decision to give him a well-deserved raise.

Song Peng waved a hand dismissively. "Don't mention it. You deserve it. Besides, with the way the profits have been rising lately with you working like this and you'll be worth your weight in gold to me."

Zhou Xuanzhi couldn't believe his luck. He had been worried sick about his finances, but now, with this raise, he knew he could breathe a little easier.

"I won't let you down, Mr. Song. I promise," he said, feeling a sense of renewed energy.

"I know you won't," Song Peng replied, clapping him on the back. "Now, back to work. We have customers waiting."

Zhou Xuanzhi nodded, feeling grateful and energized. As he went back to the dining area, he couldn't help but feel relaxed because his hard work was being recognized and rewarded.


Jiang Yan finally arrived at the Jiang Family residence and walked towards the front door. As she entered, she could see the grandeur and elegance of the place, which had always been a source of pride for her father, Jiang Zhihao. But now, as she looked around, she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of bitterness and resentment towards the man who had abandoned her.

Jiang Yan knew that her father was currently in his office, and even if he was at home, she had no intention of confronting him. In her previous life when she entered the Jiang Family first time, she had rehearsed the conversation in her head countless times, but everything was pointless. Jiang Zhihao had always been a selfish man, and he never took the responsibility for his actions. Even though he was the one who had an illegitimate relationship with the maid, he had never been willing to take on the responsibility of raising his daughter. And when they lost her at the age of three, her father hardly gave any effort to find her.

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