Chapter 20: Pretty sister and Beautiful Sister

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Jiang Yan entered the house and greeted the family members. Madam Tian, who was sitting in the living room, stood up as soon as she saw Jiang Yan and walked towards her.

"Where were you all day? Why didn't you tell me where you were going?" Madam Tian asked in an angry tone.

Jiang Yan remained calm and replied, "I went out to do some shopping, I didn't think it was necessary to inform you."

Madam Tian's face turned red with anger. "How dare you talk back to me like that! You should have informed me before leaving the house. You are still a young girl and you should learn to respect your elders," she scolded.

Jiang Yan simply ignored her and walked past her towards her room. Madam Tian followed her, still shouting. "Don't you dare ignore me! You are disrespecting me and this family. You will be punished for this!"

Jiang Yan continued to ignore her and went into her room, closing the door behind her. Madam Tian stood outside her door for a while, fuming with anger, before finally storming off downstairs.

As Jiang Yan retreated to her room, she could hear the muffled voices. She knew that her father who had been ignoring her for one year had come home. For some reason, she was no longer upset at her father's indifference, nor could she bring herself to care. Instead, she busied herself with the new laptop she got today, planning for the new business she will start with Wu Changwei.

In the hallway, Madam Tian glared at Jiang Zhihao. "Where have you been?" she demanded, her voice sharp with anger. "Do you know what your so called daughter has done?"

Jiang Zhihao sighed wearily. "What has she done now, Jing?" he asked, his tone resigned.

"She disappeared for hours, without a word to anyone," Madam Tian said, her hands balled into fists at her sides. "I asked her where she went, but she ignored me and went straight to her room."

Jiang Zhihao shook his head. "She's a grown woman, Tian. She doesn't need to report her every move to us."

Madam Tian snorted. "She's still under my roof, and she will show me respect," she spat. "I won't tolerate her insolence any longer."

Jiang Zhihao didn't reply, knowing that it would only escalate the situation. Instead, he silently made his way to his study, where he could escape the tension and try to forget the constant bickering that plagued his household since the day Jiang Yan was born.

However, Madam Tian wasn't going to calm down that easily. She immediately picked up her phone and called her brother Tian Jun. He was always willing to help her with her schemes against Jiang Yan.

"Hello, sister. What's the matter?" Tian Jun answered the phone.

"Jiang Yan is getting too big for her boots," Madam Tian said, her voice dripping with venom. "She thinks she can do whatever in this house. I need to teach her a lesson."

Tian Jun could sense the tension in his sister's voice as she ranted about Jiang Yan's behavior. He knew that Madam Tian could be quick to anger and he needed to calm her down before she did something rash.

"Sister, please calm down," he said, trying to soothe her. "You don't need to worry. I have taken care of the situation."

Madam Tian raised an eyebrow, still fuming with anger. "What have you done?" she demanded.

Tian Jun took a deep breath and explained his plan. "I have made some special arrangements. Jiang Yan won't be able to attend university this year. You can be assured of that. This way you will be able to control her."

Madam Tian's eyes widened in surprise. She couldn't believe that her brother had managed to pull off such a feat. "How did you manage to do that?" she asked, curious despite herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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