Chapter 7

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Penn: "Is He Gonna Do it Now Sash"

Sashi: "Not Only Happened Penn"

Penn: "But What if We were The Dragon Warriors Love"

Sashi: "Not The Only Matters of Safe Sweetie Because Trainning Will Begin For Tomorrow"

Penn: "And If It's the Only Way To Train it"

Sashi: "Good night PZ"

Penn: "Good Night Sash"

Penn and Sashi Sleep and Kiss Each Other

A little later, a dejected Po is standing under a Peach Tree on a hill. Oogway approaches with a glowing lantern.

Oogway: "I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom."

Po spins around, his arms full of peaches and his mouth equally stuffed. He drops the peaches in shock.

Po: "[with his mouth full] Is that what this is? I am so sorry. I thought it was just a regular peach tree."

Oogway: "I understand. You eat when you are upset."

Po: "[Spits out the remaining peaches and slurs words together.] Upset? I'm not upset. What makes you think I'm upset?"

Oogway: "So why are you upset?"

Po pauses, then sighs: There's no use trying to lie to Oogway.

Po: "I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu, in the history of China, in the history of sucking."

Oogway: "Probably."

Po: "And the Thirty Three... man, you should have seen them, they totally hate me."

Oogway: "Totally."

Po: "How's Shifu ever gonna turn Us into the Dragon Warriors? [He lifts his belly and drops it, causing it to bounce until he stops with his his paw. He sighs.] I mean, I'm not like the Thirty Three. I've got no claws, no wings, no venom. Even Mantis has those... [imitating a mantis's front legs] ...thingies. Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles."

Po sits down, his back to Oogway. Oogway look at him for a moment.

Oogway: "Quit, don't quit. Noodles, don't noodles. [Po looks back at him, confused.] You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There's a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."

Oogway hits the tree with his staff as he walks away, and a peach falls into Po's open paw. Po smiles as he watches the tortoise leave.

Meanwhile, back at Chor-Gom Prison, Tai Lung is glaring intently ahead as he uses Zeng's feather to pick the lock, from the armor. When he succeeds, the accupuncture needles in the armor remove themselves from his body. He breaths out as he regains movement in his arms. All of a sudden, Tai Lung BURSTS free from his armor. The Commander runs to the ledge, the goose right behind him.

Daniel: "Now"

Prisilla: "Porcupine Quills In The Whole"

Prisilla uses the arrow quills to Shot The Rhinos

Vachir: "OH NO!"

Zeng: "What's happening?!"

The goose looks over the edge and and is horrified when he sees Tai Lung at the bottom of the pit. Tai Lung struggles with his shackles, attached to the huge boulders.

Penn and Lincoln's Adventures of Kung Fu PandaWhere stories live. Discover now