Chapter 11

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Later that day, Shifu and Po and Everyone return from the mountains, entering the palace courtyard. Po and Everyone has an easy spring in his step.

Shifu: "You all have done well, Animals."

Paper: "Done well? Done well?! We've done awesome!"

He swings his belly around and knocks Shifu off balance, though he quickly regainins his dignity

Shifu: "The mark of a true hero is humility. But have done..."

Shifu playfully punches Po in the side hard enough for him to stagger.

Shifu: "...awesome."

Their chuckles falter when they hear an approaching flapping sound. An indistinct figure appears in the clouds behind them... it's Crane.

Po: "Huh?"

Mr. Snake: "What The"

Crane carries the Thirty Three to the palace grounds, crashing in a heap. His paralysed comrades are scattered in the middle of the courtyard. Shifu is speechless.

Po: "Guys? Guys!"

Po throws his backpack aside and runs over to them.

Po: "They're dead?! No, they're breathing! They're asleep?! No, their eyes are open..."

Crane is exhausted, his feathers ruffled.

Crane: "[Out of breath] We were no match... for his nerve attack."

Shifu: "He and his friends has gotten stronger..."

Shifu presses some pressure points on Mantis's chest, freeing him.

Penn: "Who Did This Too Them"

Shifu presses some pressure points on Toadfish's chest, freeding him

Po: "Who? Tai Lung and Friends? Stronger?"

Shifu starts freeing Monkey while Po leans over them. Monkey releases suddenly from his paralysis... and delivers a punch to Po's head.

Monkey: "He's too fast! [He slowly realizes where he is.] Sorry, Po."

Shifu kneels before Tigress and works to free her. She revives with a gasp.

Tigress: "[Ashamed] I thought we could stop him."

Shifu: "He could have killed you."

Spider: "Why didn't he?"

Shifu: "So you could come back and strike fear into our hearts. But it won't work."

While he says this, he frees Snake.

Po: "Uh, it might... I mean, a little. I'm pretty scared."

Shifu: "You all can defeat him, animals!"

Meli: "But How We're Just Kids"

Po: "She's Right Are you kidding? If they can't... [Around him, the Thrity Three are exhausted and beaten.] They're Thirty Three masters. I'm just one me."

Shifu: "But you all will have the one thing that no one else does."

Po's eyes widen.

Inside the Hall of Warriors, the Dragon Scroll rests in the mouth of the golden dragon on the ceiling. Po stares at Shifu... then looks up at the Scroll. Then back at Shifu...

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