Chapter 1

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Alexis Jones

That name is written on a piece of paper that Adam just handed to me. Adam is my tour photographer and videographer but now he is not. He is not my tour photographer and videographer because he has a new job and he wants to give job to someone else. Apparently , Adam knows Alexis and he has been telling me that she is a great tour photo and videographer to take with me on tour this year.

But I'm kind of scared to give someone else that I don't know about to do this job. Adam is the best of taking pictures and videos during tour. I don't know about Alexis work. Adam has been showing me some of work that she does take at concerts that she goes too. Like she went to a Justin Bieber conert, Shawn Mendes concert and a Jones Brothers concert these past few years and Adam has been showing me her work and it has been amazing.

"I don't know Adam. Why do you have to get this other job?" I asked in a joke and he chuckled

"Because I want upgrade and also Niall look Alexis is great at her work isn't she?" he asked me and I nodded

It's true she is great. She takes amazing pictures on her phone and on her camera that she is that Adam has been showing me. But, like I said before I feel afraid to have a new person on my team that I don't know of.

"Since she is great at her work. I think you should hire her" Adam said and I just looked at him "Don't give me that look. I know that look. You want me to stay forever with you but I can't. Why don't you talk with her a little bit? and like get to know her before making your decision?" Adam asked me and I sighed

"Fine I'll get to know her. If I don't like her you will stay" I told him

"Trust me. You will like her because I already do. She is lovely and nice person but she is shy at first just letting you know" he said

"Got it. Now am I free to leave?" I asked him

I feel like I have been in this meeting for hours but now I just want to go home and eat and maybe watch golf before I sleep.

"Yes you're free to leave. You got a hot date tonight?" he asked as I got up from my seat and I chuckled

"Nope. It's just going to be my bed, my food and my tv tonight" I told him and he chuckled

"Of course. See ya. Also, should I ask Alexis to meet you tomorrow?" he asked

"Yeah. I'm going to meet her at a restaurant or something. Ask her where she wants to eat for lunch? Since she is new I'm not safe for her to come over you know" I told him

I like my privacy. Whenever I meet someone I don't want them to come to my house right away because I have a fear someone will take something from me or someone will take a picture of something that belongs to me and they will post a picture of it. I just want to meet the person first before I let them at my house.

"Sure I'll tell her that" he said and I smiled at him

"Bye Adam. Don't leave the country before saying goodbye okay" I told him as I gave him a hug and he chuckled

"Yeah. I promise I won't" he said as he gave me a hug

We both let go and left the office to go back home. I hope Alexis is great for my team.


Alexis POV

I just came back home after picking up some lunch. I decided to get some burger king for dinner. I feel like I haven't eaten fast food in a long time since I came to London. I came to London few months ago after I finished college. Before I moved to London I used to live in Canada. That's where I was born and stuff. But after college I decided to move out to whole different and I don't know why I choose London. But I wanted to move out of the country after I graduated from college and that's what I did. I do miss my parents alot but I do call them every day to see how they are doing.

I just sat down near my island table and decided to eat my dinner. While I was eating my dinner my phone was ringing. I looked at the caller id to see it's Adam. Adam is one of my friend who used to work for Niall Horan who I am a fan of and now he has a different job. Adam asked me about being photo and videographer for Niall's Nice To Meet Ya tour but I don't know he will choose a fan to take over Adam's job. I picked up the call and put it on speaker.

"Hello" I said

"Alexis, I have great news for you" he said as I ate my burger

"What is it?" I asked

"Niall Horan wants to meet you tomorrow" he said and I almost spat out my food when he said that

"What did you say?" I asked

"Niall wants to meet you tomorrow. I told him about your stuff and he likes it. He want to get to know you a little before tour start. I recommend you to bring your work with you too. Also, he asked where do you want him? He wants to meet at a food place because he is not comfortable with you meeting at his house" he said

I'm just soaking this all in. Adam told Niall about my photo and video grapher skills to Niall and he wants to meet and get to know me before tour starts. I can't believe this is happening right now.

"This is crazy. I'm just taking this all in" I told him

"Take it in girl because you will be touring with Niall pretty soon if he loves you as a friend and if he loves you work" he said

"This is crazy. Thank you Adam. You're the best. I just came to London few months ago and you already gave me a job" I told him

I met Adam while I was at the mall one day. I was all alone of course and I just bumped into him. Since we met that day at the mall we got to know each other and now we became friends.

"Your welcome. You know I'm always here for you and I know you need a job since you have been living here and I found you one. I hope you like this job" he said

"I know I will if Niall is a nice person" I told him

"Oh yes he is trust me. I know you're going to be shy at first when you meet him but you will be talking to him like no tomorrow after a few months" Adam told me and I smiled

"Hopefully" I told him

We just talked about what I need to do for this tour and what I need to while meeting Niall tomorrow.

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