Chapter 41

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Alexis POV

Last night was a dream right? Niall didn't kiss a girl while I was looking for him and he is sleeping beside me right? I opened my to see I'm not in Niall's room. I'm in Julia's master bedroom right now. Last night I didn't want to go home after what I saw and Julia let me stay at her house until I figured out what to do. I don't even know what to do. This is the first time that this happened to me. Do I forgive him and go back to him? I don't know what to do.

"Good morning you're up" Julia said as she came into the master bedroom

"Good morning. Please tell me last night was a dream?" I asked her

"If I did tell you if it was a dream. Will you go back to him?" Julia asked me as she sat down on the bed

"So it wasn't a dream?" I asked her

"No honey it wasn't but I know Niall for a long time and he wouldn't do that to you. He loves you so much. Please tell me you love him too?" Julia asked me

"I do but what if I get back to him he would do that again?" I asked her

"He won't. Shawn told me everything this morning. Niall was coming out of the bathroom and as they walking over to the VIP area that girl you saw him kissing?" she asked and I nodded "She was feeling Niall up giving him hug and then she kissed him. He was trying his hardest to get that girl off of him but she wouldn't budge. Eventually, Niall pushed her off of him and that's when we were caught in the scene" she said

"So he really didn't kiss her?" I asked her

"No she was on him and she started kissing him" she said and I just looked at her "Also, Niall felt bad for what happened last night. He was crying this morning because he remembered what happened last night" she said

I mean he should feel bad on what happened last night. But I don't know if I believe on Shawn story or not. I want to hear Niall's perspective on this situation.

"Julia" I said

"Yeah" she said

"Can you drop me back home? I think Niall and I need to talk" I told her and she smiled

"Of course. You ready to go now or have some breakfast first? We can pick up something from Starbucks" she said

"Yeah we can pick up some breakfast before we head home" I told her and she nodded

"Alright. Why don't you clean yourself up and then we can go" she said and I nodded

I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get myself cleaned up before heading back to the house.


"Hi Julia and Alexis" Niall said as he opened the door and gave Julia a hug

"Hi Niall. I think she's ready to talk to you so I'll leave you two alone" she said

"Okay. You don't mind staying?" Niall asked her

"No I'll come by later or something" she said

"Okay bye" Niall told her and Julia gave me a hug

"Please forgive him. I need my fav couple back together" Julia whispered to me and I nodded then she left

"Come inside" Niall told me and I nodded

It's so awkward. We never been this awkward. Maybe the first day when I met him I was awkward with him but since I know him for a few months which made it weird. We went to the living room and we both sat down. I couldn't help to look down at my fingers while he was staring at me when we sat down.

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