Chapter 5

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Niall POV

"Niall! Let's go!" George shouted from the other side of my hotel door

"Two seconds!" I replied, shoving my hands through my hair in attempts to make it look decent.

Yesterday night was a little rough, the band, crew and I went out for some drinks. I might have gone a little overboard on the Guinness...

From what I can remember, we finished up our rehearsal for the day and headed out to a small pub. Jake found some girl and they were off snogging in the corner as the rest of us drank basically of the bars beers. Alexis didn't drink last night and I know why because she doesn't drink. But, I feel bad for bringing her here because she didn't want to be here. She wasn't bored. She was with Tara for the whole night that I remember. I know I should've been with her and talked with her but I got overboard on the drinks according to Tara.

People were shouting and dancing in the bar last night. I feel like Alexis didn't like that vibe. She will jump every time someone will hit or something. I know I should've not brought her to the pub but everyone was forcing us to go out and that had to include everyone that's in the team.

I put a pair of sunglasses on and headed out the door. We all met at the lobby and took a small to the rehearsal studio. Two days until opening night, I'm honestly scared. New album, new setlist, and new style of my music. I had no idea how the fans would respond. The feedback for the album was overwhelming.

"Alright, take it from the top!" George shouted over the small conversations from the crew.

We went through the first few songs. I looked at in the crowd to see Alexis are taking pictures of us from her camera. Either she was taking videos and pictures. I did a funny face to her to take a great picture and she laughed. I smiled while I was singing because she had a beautiful laugh. Even though she doesn't like it. I like it.

After a full set of rehearsals I got out of stage and I went to see Alexis who was sitting on the chair.

"How's your head?" Alexis asked as I sat beside her and I looked at her with a confused face

"Head? What do you mean?" I asked her

"From your hangover from yesterday. You do know you drank a lot right?" she asked

"Yeah I know and I'm sorry that I dragged you to the pub. I know you weren't comfortable at all" I told her

"It's okay. I was with Tara for some of the night" she said

"I know but I just feel bad" I told her and she put her hand on my shoulder

"It's okay. You just went overboard. But, I will admit I was scared the whole night because I was afraid if anyone would touch me or something but I was with Tara the whole time" she said

"That's good. She kept you company. You two are friends now huh?" I asked her and she smiled

"Yeah we are" she said and I smiled at her

After we were done with rehearsals we went back to the hotel. Lewis invited all of us to his hotel room so we could watch a movie. The band, Tara, Alexis, and I went to the Lewis hotel room. While we all got comfortable on the sofa. Alexis sat beside me which I'm really glad. John, Louis, Jake, John and Alex sat on the sofa which was big. Then Lewis and Tara sat on another one.

"What should we watch?" Tara asked

"Little Mermaid!"

"Lion King!"


Many shouts came from teh room as we attempted to pick a film to start with.

"Tangled" Alexis whispered. No one seemed to hear her so while everyone was fighting over the movie so I grabbed the remote. Flipping through Netflix until I found the film she wanted, everyone groaned at my choice.

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