Chapter 15

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Alexis POV

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Alexis POV

"Hey baby wake up" I heard Niall say

I groaned and tried to go back to sleep. Niall and I are still in the hospital the next day. I might be going back to the bus today if everything is good which I think it is. The doctor came to my room late last night and he told me I could go home today if I'm feeling better. From last night he said I was getting better but let's see what he says today.

"Come on we are going back to the bus" I heard Niall said and that's what got waking me up

I opened my eyes to see Niall handsome face in front of me. I still couldn't believe I'm still dating this guy. All of my life I had this dream I want to date Niall or being friends with him and my fanfic just became in a reality.

"Good morning" Niall said as he saw me waking up

"Good morning. Are we going back to the bus today?" I asked Niall

"Yes we are. The doctor said he will come a little bit to talk to you. He said everything is good you just need to take your medicine for a week to make you feel better" he said and I nodded

A few minutes later the doctor walked into the hospital room.

"Good morning. I see that you're awake" Dr. Derek told me

"Yes I am. Good morning" I told him and he smiled

"I guess Niall told you that you're going home today" Dr. Derek said

"Yes he did" I told him

"Well, you get to go home but you have to take care of yourself. This city is very hot so you need to drink lots of water and also you have to take this medicine for one week" Dr. Derek said as he handed me the bag of medicine

"Thank you and I promise I'll take care of myself" I told him

"I promise I'll take care of her" Niall told Dr. Derek and I rolled my eyes

"Good. The nurse will come and take your needles out and you are free to go" Dr. Derek said

"Thank you Dr. Derek" I told him

"You're welcome. Make sure to take care of yourself alright" he told me

"I will" I told him

Dr. Derek left the room and I looked at Niall who grabbed the bag of the medicine of my hand and put it in another bag that I didn't know it was here.

"When did that bag come?" I asked Niall

"Oh since I am a nice boyfriend and didn't look through clothes. I asked Tara to go to the tour bus to get extra pair of clothes and extra that she thinks you need when you get out of here" he said and I smiled at him

"Well, thank you for not going through my clothes and I need to thank Tara later" I told him

"Yes you do. Since I'm a good boyfriend who didn't look through clothes. Do I get a kiss?" he asked me and I giggled

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