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You guys must be curious as to why I'm updating two different stories today (and a new one too!)!

I've come up with a new schedule, which is to update once every two weeks on Monday from now on, and since I have two tumblr blogs, it's one story each! So two different updates every two Mondays! I hope you enjoy this new story!

Crimson Bay.

Crimson Bay, the name of the place where I'm moving to.

Crimson Bay, where my new life is going to set roots, which is quite remote from home and family. An old boat is the only way to reach the town, and it takes around four hours from the mainland, with the wind and all that.

I stare out at the body of water around us, at the trees on each horizons, I feel the breeze sliding through my hair and against my skin, a cold bite to it that makes me glad I wore this jacket like someone recommended I do before boarding.

My short, pointy horns thrum slightly whenever some water splashes onto me, or is it because I'm getting closer to that new land? My dragon genes have been responding rather intensely to whatever is there, which I've found weird.

Could it be that I have a mate there? That would be surprising, but if fate really did have a say in my being here, then this kind of outcome would make sense. How else could I explain this?

When I was young, my mother, a vampire, went to see a seer for me. I was the only one in the family born a pure half-breed, meaning that I have equal amounts of dragon and vampire genes from my father and her, and she was worried about my future.

My older brother has our father's dragon genes while my older sister has mother's, but I have both, something that's rarely seen, if ever.

The known cases were all told to have a weak health, poor blood circulation, and some of them even died at a young age due to how fragile they were. I remember hearing my sister cry one day, fearing that the same would happen to me.

Mom and dad didn't know what that would mean for me, seeing as this could affect my entire life, but the seer had assured us that there would be nothing to worry about, as long as I moved to the Red Land, she'd called it. When I'd turn thirty, a boat would take me there, to my destiny.

It took us a long time to figure out what she'd meant by that, or where, but when we eventually stumbled upon pictures of Crimson Bay last month, when we saw the red dirt that made up more than half of the town's forest grounds, I immediately felt called to it, like my place had to be there.

The deep emerald green of the trees and plants and the colourful hues of flowers, the town's romantic streets and shops with the rustic ambiance, the people's relaxed lifestyle, it felt like I'd seen a glimpse of my future, and for a moment, I'd wondered why I wasn't there already.

My parents lost no time in packing my belongings on the eve of my birthday, and after spending one last day with my dear family, on the following morning, my brother drove me to the airport with my sister.

Eric and Solar did their best as they held in their tears while they hugged me tightly, but every strangers could see that they found it hard to say goodbye.

They were worried that I wouldn't have anyone there to look over me, that I wouldn't be able to get the regular amounts of mana and blood that my peculiar constitution requires, but dad apparently already called a clinic there, so I know that someone will be waiting for me for when I need anything.

One of the doctors working there is his old friends' son, who assured him that he would take good care of me. When I told them that piece of information, they were reassured, but still concerned. I've never been so far away on my own after all, and it feels weird to all of us.

Horns, blood and tailWhere stories live. Discover now