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Jimin's POV

"We WHAT?! We have a new mate?! Yoongi, you could've told me sooner! I would've worn something more appropriate to meet her, I look like shit!".

My shout echoes in the house as I watch Yoongi exit the bathroom in dry clothes, a loose grey hoodie and some blue jeans that suit him marvelously well. I would be clinging onto him and seeking his lips over and over again if he hadn't said what he just did.

I had noticed that something felt weird about him since he came back earlier, but there was no time to ask him when he went straight for the shower, his body dripping with rain and wetting the entire floor on the way.

I had noticed that the car wasn't in the driveway either, which meant that he'd walked from some other place. He didn't look like he'd been in an accident, so that couldn't be it. Did the car break down on the way home?

I sure didn't expect to hear from him that we have another mate, and that he's taking me to her in ten minutes! Why did he wait so long to let me know?! I would have gotten ready! Hair, makeup, clothes! I would've found the perfect perfume to match with my scent!

"There's no time for those things, and besides, you look handsome as you are, baby" Yoongi says as he walks to the kitchen to pack some food into a bag, some of the meals we made yesterday and also some noodles and sauces, an unopened box of cereal with our extra milk, along with some other snacks.

I join him, wondering what the hell it is that he's doing. Seeing the look on my face, he shrugs a little as he grabs some meat from the freezer. "She arrived in Crimson Bay today, there's probably nothing to eat at her place right now and the weather doesn't really allow a safe run to the grocery store".

Ah, that explains why we never met until now, then. "Makes sense, we have more than enough to share with her. What is she, by the way? A human? Or maybe a werewolf? We haven't seen any around here in ages".

"Half vampire, half dragon" he answers simply, and I'm about to nod distractedly when the words finally register.

"Wait. What? She's a hybrid? Our mate?" I exclaim, eyes round with shock, for I know very well what that means for her health, and I take in as he sighs tiredly, hands falling on the counter besides the bags, defeated.

"Her father called yesterday at the clinic and told me about her. She's moving here alone and he was worried that no one would be looking out for her. She needs daily amounts of blood and some mana every few days, so he asked if our clinic could take care of her. I was driving by the docks earlier to give her a ride home since she couldn't have gotten anywhere otherwise, that's when I felt her mana call out to me".

"What happened then?" I urge him for more information, this isn't the face of someone who had a meeting go well, so what the heck happened out there?

"Y/N didn't drink any blood on the way. She thought she could make it home first, but her blood crave got triggered when I stood before her. It was a weak one, nothing scary" he promises when he sees me tensing.

"I fed her with my wrist and she was very careful as to not hurt me. She cried a lot afterwards, though. She did explain a little but... I was hoping you could give me another perspective on this because I'm not sure if I really understood her vision".

Running a hand through my hair and down my face, I take a moment to process everything while he looks at me sheepishly. As a vampire, it's something I can relate to more than he can, so of course he wouldn't be able to understand why she felt so bad.

He provided and protected, so to him, what happened was fine, but to her, this must have felt terrifying. Feeding off someone usually happens when there's undying trust between the two sides, but most especially from the person giving their blood, and it has to be willingly.

Horns, blood and tailOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora