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"I flower you too... from sunrise to sunset, and for every stars that light up the sky. Those flowers will forever bloom for this precious bond that is ours, that's my eternal promise to you" Yoongi repeats dreamily as I hide my red face under my arms.

"That sounded so poetic... do you perhaps write poems, Y/N?" he asks while nudging my side as we sit side by side on the couch, and he can't help but to coo when I shyly nod my head while hiding further into the cushion with my arms around my head.

I shouldn't have said that earlier. I didn't know they would tease me so much for it, but my heart felt so full that the words came out of their own free will. Such an embarrassing thing to do!

"You should have seen her as we were walking back from the park. Crimson was paler than her" Jimin continues to tease as he walks over before sitting on the rug in front of us, a contented sigh past his lips as he leans back on his hands to gaze at us.

"Go ahead, keep mocking me like this. I won't ever speak such words ever again" I complain while looking up at them with a pout, which earns me a head pat and an arm around my shoulders to pull me into a warm waist.

"We'll stop teasing you, sweetheart, we just find your reactions cute. We won't do it again, right, Jimin-ah?" Yoongi asks the later with a quirked eyebrow that means 'say no and I will not give you cuddles for an entire week'.

Not one to take Yoongi's threats lightly, the vampire quickly nods his head at me. "No more teasing" he says, only to add cautiously, "for today. I can only promise for today. Please".

Fair enough. Jimin seems like the type who would die if he can't tease his mates for too long.

I make a sound, appreciative of his effort to appease me right now, then inhale the wonderful smell that's filling their house from the oven. Bread is cooling off on the counter, and there are a few different pastries currently baking with their delicious aromas perfuming the house.

"Are you hungry?" Yoongi asks, somehow always noticing everything about me with his attentive eyes. I stare at the loaf of bread, then swallow when saliva pools heavily on my tongue. I would be a very bad liar if I were to say no right now, so I nod my head and they both chuckle.

"Let's try the bread first while I have a look at what we could have for lunch. We have leftover rice from yesterday, so I could make fried rice with some meat and our homemade kimchi, what do you think?" the dragon offers as he stands from the couch, a hand offered to me so I can keep him company in the kitchen.

He said he wanted us close and he wasn't lying. Yoongi has not left my side ever since we arrived a dozen minutes ago, and Jimin happily kissed his cheeks - then mine - before heading to their bedroom to wear something more cozy and soft.

He's got a look that currently screams cuddles to me, and if I get to leave this place without melting in their arms at least once, I'll honestly be very confused. Is it a weird thing to say? Maybe I'm getting too ahead of myself.

I accept Yoongi's hand, heart swooning when he pulls me up easily, and he doesn't let go until we reach the kitchen where he leaves me at a safe distance from the oven so he can have a look inside to inspect the pastries.

"I'll cut the bread in thin slices, should we have it with butter?" Jimin asks in a chirp as he jumps past me to reach the sharp knives on the counter space besides the fridge, and Yoongi shrugs at the same time as I do.

"Anything to suit your taste, Jimin-ah. Cut me some veggies when you're done, I'll get started with the meat. Mind looking at the sauces we have in the fridge, sweetheart? You'd be an angel if you could find me one that you can have".

Horns, blood and tailजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें