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A cup of tea is pushed in front of me as Yoongi takes a seat on the other side of the coffee shop's round table, and he wraps his hands around his own drink while taking in my avoiding gaze and pale complexion.

"How are you feeling? The boat ride must have been exhausting for you, did you not have any blood samples on you? Your father mentioned that you need to have one every six to eight hours to maintain your good health".

I purse my lips, then look at the tea to find that they added fresh blood, most likely his request since I didn't ask for that extra.

"I'm... alright, I think. I'm sure they put some in the bags, but I didn't know which one and... I thought I'd have time to make it to the house before it was too late" I mumble the pitiful excuse, ashamed even if it's the truth.

Many have called me a spoiled child throughout the years, and really, who can blame them for thinking that way? I was indeed raised with my every needs taken care of, and I was never forced to work since they were afraid that doing so would make me weaker.

It was very stupid of me to think that it would be safe to wait past the eight hours limit, and we were incredibly lucky that the blood crave hit only when Yoongi was there, and not when I was with the other humans. They wouldn't have been able to defend themselves, and I could've killed them.

Had the crave gotten any worse, I could've done some serious damage back there.

Yoongi stares at me a little longer before drinking his coffee, and I do the same with my tea. The mellow taste fills my mouth, and I swallow with a sinking sensation of relief, my body eagerly accepting of the blood to process it into my system like always.

I take my time drinking, unsure of what to say otherwise, and I watch from the corner of my eye as he sits back in his chair before staring outside towards the water beyond the docks.

After putting all of my bags in his car, he took me to the coffee shop with a steady hand around my wrist, then sat me down at one of the cute little tables before going to the counter to order for the both of us.

It all happened in silence, which served to increase my discomfort, though none of it is his fault. He had to deal with my sudden tears after drinking his blood within the five minutes that we'd met, as if any of that was normal. I'm sure he has a lot of questions.

His eyes flit back towards me and I quickly look away, still not willing to meet his gaze.

"Y/N, look at me, would you?" he requests softly, his voice letting me hear of his despair, as well as a growing annoyance that I understand all too well. This must all be confusing to him, dragons are hot-blooded creatures and most often deal with things rationally, so my reaction is not something he can easily understand.

Even if it's hard for me, I comply to his demand and raise my gaze to look at him, if only because I don't want him to feel like I have something against him, or like I don't want to be with him. I am not rejecting my mate, no matter how our story began.

I just... I just need to process it, that's all, but staring him in the eyes reminds me from earlier, and I'm entirely helpless as I live the guilt all over again, with the sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach telling me that I did something terrible.

I really don't understand how he can pretend like nothing happened. I drank his blood. Something that requires so much trust... he gave to me without even thinking twice about the consequences.

Our mana bounces back and forth between one another, the only thing that comforts me at the moment, the only thing that makes my body relax on that chair. I don't know what to do with myself right now, I'm sure it shows all over my face.

Horns, blood and tailWhere stories live. Discover now