CHAPTER 4 "Opera"

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Opera was Sullivan's security devil, he had been with him for a long time. He had witnessed many of Sullivan's weird behavior. But even with Sullivan's strangeness he deeply put his trust in him, hoping that one day it would be repaid.

When Sullivan brought someone home, a "human" child, he didn't know how to react, this was the most disturbing and weird thing Sullivan had ever done. So Opera can't help but ask why.

Only getting an answer he couldn't understand.

"You'll see Opera"

Opera didn't question any further and despite his reluctance he trusted Sullivan, so he served and acted like he always acted, the only difference is, now he's serving two masters. With still Sullivan being his main master of course.

Opera thought Iruma was an interesting child, he had an endless appetite and he was kind. What shone the most about Iruma is that he is Greedy. It might not look like it but he was and this piqué Opera interest as he watched and served the boy to the best of his ability

And with the little time he spent with Iruma, he had grown fonder of the child. Supporting him and helping him as best as he could.

So when he found out about Iruma being clipped, Opera stood still and stunned, and ears dropping. He was then ordered to bring Iruma to Sullivan's office. The whole time he was silent with his ears dropping back and almost looked stiff.

Irumas seemed to notice and tugged Opera's shirt to get his attention.

"Opera san, are you ok? why did everyone look horrified earlier?"

Iruma said, clearly still confused, which made Opera even more upset. As he opened the door to the principal's office.

Opera hasn't yet responded to Irumas, he only looked at him before he took his eyes off Iruma and opened the door. He then prepared tea as Iruma sat on the couch waiting for him, still looking innocent and smiling but you could see that he was nervous.

Iruma was nervous, he didn't know what was happening and he waited for Opera to come.

Opera set the tea in front of Iruma and sat on the opposite couch while he looked at Iruma.

"Iruma sama."

Opera said getting Iruma's attention who in return looked up to him.

The principal room was coated with soundproof magic so nothing could be heard from outside.

"Do you know what Clipping means? And what does it mean for a demon to be clipped?"

Opera said straight forward as ever. Iruma looked at him as he put his hands on his lap and looked at Opera before he slowly looked down at his lap.

"I don't know what Clipping means, but Marbas sensei said earlier that Clipping is a torture that was used to take the wings of a demon"

Iruma said as he then looked up scratching his cheeks.

"I think he said that a demon's wings being taken away is cruel because wings were Important to a demon and  it was a symbol of freedom"

"[I think]"

Iruma said and Opera nodded.

"Precisely, Iruma sama"

Iruma then looked at Opera and tilted his head in confusion.

"But how's is that connected to me being wingless, Opera san..."

Operas ears twitch and his tail drops.

"Iruma sama, can I pls take another look at your back"

Opera said, Iruna looked but he permitted him and slowly turned to his back as Opera then lifted his school uniform to see his back.

Opera saw the state and looked even more upset to the point where his tail wrapped around his leg. Opera kept his composure and took a picture, a Polaroid picture to be precise as he then backed away from Iruma.

Iruma turned to look back at Opera, hearing the snap of the camera and the back of his clothes dropping down.

Opera shook the Polaroid picture before he then showed it to Iruma who was a bit stunned.

"I had those in my back?"

Iruma asked with a look of confusion. As Opera nodded.

"Yes, Iruma sama..."

"But I don't remember getting those, maybe some of them I could vaguely remember but I never had a big scar"

"[Atleast from what I remember]"

Opera looked at Iruna then as he pointed at a specific spot.

"Do you remember this one Iruma sama"

Iruna Kun looked closely as he shook his head.


"I don't remember having something like that"

Iruna said as he looked closely and Opera explained as he then traced the black thin line on Iruma's picture back

"Iruma sama, do you see this"

"Um.. yeah"

"Irumas sama, that's your wing roots...It's where your Wing was supposed to grow"

Irumas looked at Opera in genuine confusion.

"But Opera san... I'm not a demon. I don't have wings"

"That's what I thought too Iruma sama, but this thin black line says that you are one"


Iruma was shocked about what he just found out.

"So I'm a demon?"


Opera nodded, he was also shocked about this but it made sense. Iruna does not need perfume anymore and his being able to handle demon food is enough to explain it.

"Honestly Iruna sama I am as shocked as you"

"Are you really"


By that time Iruma was trying to process everything and it was silent. Opera refilled their tea and Iruma sat on the couch for a while.

*I'm a demon...*

Iruma thought as he smiled.

* That means I won't have to be afraid anymore...*

Then the door opened to a crying eggy Grandpa. As he rushed to hug Iruma.


Sullivan hugged his grandson like never before and Iruma was trying to escape his grasp and calm him down. And Opera was there watching before he needed to take Sullivan off Iruma.

"You are suffocating Iruma sama, Sir"


"Iruma is tough Sullivan Sama, don't treat him like a fragile glass"

Sullivan sulked in the corner as Opera offered Iruma another Hell gray tea.

"I'm fine Grandpa, it no big deal"

Iruma said nonchalantly. Opera and Sullivan looked at Iruma before Sullivan sobbed again.


"Iruma sama, it might not look like it but it is a big deal. It's such a big deal that if it was revealed there would be chaos in this school"


Iruma looked at them still confused.

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