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The small town has mostly empty streets. People who I pass by only stick to themselves and barely look at me. Though when they do, they quickly look away and hurry off. I look down at the crinkled letter in my hand. Drunken Fox. What a funny name. I have never seen a fox drunk before. I bet it's an adorable sight. I continue walking down the dirt path, turning down the street. I see a wooden building in front of me with smoke coming out of the chimney. A sign hanging above the door has a fox holding a cup of ale. I'm not sure why they drew it that way considering foxes don't have thumbs or hands. Only adorable tiny paws. But at least it's cute.

I walk over to the door, only for a hand to land on my shoulder, "Stop right there. Your kind is not allowed here. Leave now before your forced out."

I look behind me at the orc man who is covered in scars and tattoos, his muscular form matching his deep voice. I look at the large green hand on my shoulder before looking at his scarred face. His eyes are filled with hatred. I smile at him with a nervous chuckle, "I was asked here. I just need to meet with some people. Don't worry though, I won't be long."

"You're going to have to do it somewhere else. Demons are not allowed in our village."

"Demons? Oh no, your confused. I'm just a tiefling. That doesn't mean I'm evil. I actually just spend all my time in the woods with cute woodland animals."

"Rules are rules. Come with me."

The man moves his large hand to wrap around my arm with a death grip that causes my arm to hurt. He starts to drag me away from the tavern. The words from the letter creep back into my mind. If everyone isn't there, we will all die. I can't send innocent people to their deaths. I grab the man's hand gently and dig my heels into the dirt, not even being able to stop myself from being dragged.

"What are you doing," he growls, turning to face me.

"I um... I'm sorry. I just really need to get into that tavern."

"I didn't want to do this the hard way, but you've given me no choice."

The orc pulls out the axe from his sheath that was resting on his back. The blade shimmers in the sunlight. I take a small step back, holding my hands close to my chest, feeling my heartbeat racing. Okay, this is fine. I can figure this out. Talking doesn't seem like an option anymore but fighting seems worse. I set my hand on my hip where my sickle rests. Why do people always resort to violence?

The man raises his axe, "This is your last chance to leave peacefully."

"That's no way to treat a lady," a familiar voice comes from behind me.

"Mind your own business," the orc glares behind me, axe still raised.

"I would but this lady is here on very important business. We will be in and out. You've already caused quite the scene by bringing out a weapon. One so violent against someone so harmless."

The person swings their arm around my shoulders, showing off his own scars. I look over at the owner of the voice and my heart jumps in joy. Pierce! He smirks at the man, not showing any signs of fear or destress. He has always been calm and collected. Just like when we were kids. I've always been jealous of how he can keep his emotions in check so well. Every time I try holding in my emotions, I end up having a laughing fit.

"What is this business? If it's so important," the orc spits.

"Unfortunately, we are not allowed to talk about it. Confidential things. I'm sure you know how it is. Oh, look over there! People are fighting," Pierce points down the empty path.

When the orc turns around, Pierce grabs my hand and pulls me down the path after him. We run as fast as we can until we make it inside the tavern. I look at my best friend as I catch my breath. He smiles at me, seeming to not be out of breath as he laughs softly. Usually, we ran out of taverns and stores as kids, not the other way around. Though we did steal as children.

"You've barely been in town an hour and your already causing problems," he teases.

I giggle, holding my hands behind my back, "I don't leave the woods much."

"You're still living in the woods?"

"Yeah. I need to make sure no one takes our land and I wanted to be there in case you returned."

He smiles as he ruffles my black hair, "I promise, we will have a house there soon."

"I'm guessing you are Cora and Pierce," a lady with blonde hair and elf ears walks over to us. Her pink dress hugs her body, and her white flats have some dirt on them.

A hooded man is standing behind her with his arms crossed. He has a black cloak on with a black shirt, black pants, and black boots. On his waist, knives and daggers hang on his belt as the light shines on them. His blue eyes stare into mine. He stays quiet as he studies me and Pierce.

"Yes, are you Lucielle and Killian," I ask.

"Yes, but you can call me Lucy," she smiles.

Killian lowers his hood, showing off his black puffy hair, "So, now that we are all here, we should figure out what this so call God wants us to do."

"Be heroes," Pierce chuckles dryly, "Which still makes me laugh."

"Why is it funny," Lucy looks at him.

"Because I'm a criminal. Who would want to be saved by a criminal? I wouldn't."

Killian nods slightly, "That's a good point. I'm not as bad as a criminal as you from what your wanted posters say. But I'm still not really a good guy."

I set my hand on Pierce's arm, "Your more than that. I know that we can do this. It will be for the better of the world and it sounds fun."

"I like your attitude," the elf perks up, "I think we will be great friends."

"I'm glad."

Killian clears his throat, "That's sweet and all. But we still don't even know what to do. How do heroes even come to be?"

"Give me all the money or we will burn this building to the ground," a growl reaches our ears.

We all turn our heads to the bar where a dwarf is standing, unlit torch in hand. He seems to be heavily drunk. Two other dwarves get off their stools and stand beside him, both of them pulling out weapons. The barkeep looks at the three, seeming to think it over.

"I think this is our opportunity to give this hero thing a try," Lucy starts walking over to the bar.

"Shit. I thought it would've been harder," Pierce chuckles.

I follow the three over to the counter. I stand behind Pierce who has already brought out his sword. Killan grabs two daggers from his waist as I pull out my sickle. The three dwarves to turn to face us. I guess nothing will be peaceful today.

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