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"Jewlery, clothes, new shoes, and food. I think that this was a very successful shopping trip," Lucy smiles as she holds a few bags in her hands.

"This was really fun. Thank you for taking me on this trip," I smile as I hold my own bags.

We walk in the inn and head upstairs, running into the guys who are leaving their room. Killian has his cloak off so you can actually see him while Pierce has on a new white shirt that has long sleeves to hide his scarred arms. Killian looks at us before his eyes land on the bags in our hands.

Pierce holds his hand out to me, "Let me help you with those."

I smile as I hand over two of the bags, "I can carry some myself. But thank you for the help."

"Of course."

Lucy giggles, "I didn't know criminals could be such gentlemen."

Pierce's mouth curls up a little, "Am I more of a gentleman than those snobby princes?"

Lucy laughs a bit louder this time, "Most definitely. They only like talking about themselves."

"Sounds awful. How do you deal with that," Killian asks.

"I just smile and nod. I barely listen to a thing they say."

"Isn't that... Not proper," the rogue teases.

Lucy rolls her eyes with a smile, "Maybe but I could tell you about me for three hours straight."

"You know what, your right. Space out."

I quietly laugh before walking to my room with Pierce, leaving the two to talk alone. He helps me unpack all the bags and put away all my new belongings. I even show him a few of my favorite items. I appreciate him for not ignoring me while I show him these outfits. I know he doesn't care for these kinds of things, but he is always so supportive and patient with me.

"You bought a lot of shit," he sits on my bed once everything has been put away.

I sit down next to him, setting my hands in my lap, "Lucy paid for everything. She is so nice, and the shopping was so fun. The store clerk at the clothing store was very helpful. I knew there were people out there that didn't see tieflings as evil monsters."

He sets a hand on my shoulder, "You aren't a monster nor is your kind. People are just idiots and listen to whatever they hear. Hell, we could spread a rumor that water will kill you now and they would fall for it."

I look down, "I know but that doesn't really make me feel better. It actually scares me more. If they can believe something so foolish. What's the limit?"

"I don't know."

"Do you think there is a chance I can have a happy future? I know living in the woods isn't everyone's dream. But I find myself missing the woods and wanting to spend my time there. What if someone finds me there and wants to send me away because of what I am?"

"I would never let that happen. Besides, those woods belong to us."

I smile weakly, looking at him, "Thank you for being here."

"I would never leave you. We are best friends. How about you get ready for dinner? I think the group should go out somewhere nice to eat."

My smile grows as I sit up, "Yes please! That sounds like a lovely idea. I'm going to wash up."

Pierce nods as he stands, "I'll go tell the other two."

I look at my clothes, humming slightly as I look at my new options. A cute shirt with a skirt might look nice and formal. A dress, depending on which one will either be too flashy or cute. I hear the door behind me open and close. Soft footsteps go from one end of the room to the other.

I look over at Lucy who is also looking at her clothes, "Do you know what you're going to wear?"

Lucy nods as she grabs a light pink dress with long sleeves that hugs her form and goes all the way down to the ground. She then grabs pair of silver high heels, "Pretty, right? I plan to do some makeup and put my hair up."

"Very. Can you help me with finding something?"

"Yes! I love dressing people up."

She swifty looks through my clothes as her face grows serious. It doesn't take her long to pull out an emerald green dress that goes down to the ground and has long sleeves. She then grabs my silver high heels that match hers. She hands the dress over to me, the fabric soft against my hands. 

"I can do your hair too if you would like," she offers.

"Really? Please do. I only ever put it up in a bun or braid it."

"Alright. Let's change and then we can do our hair."

I slip out of my dress and put on my new one which feels great against my skin. I've never felt anything so nice before. I put on my shoes, feeling like I'm royalty or at least someone important. Is this how Lucy feels? Pretty and important? No wonder she likes clothes and dressing up so much. I run my hand down the dress, turning to face Lucy who is grabbing some small brushes. 

"Take a seat on your bed," she grabs a container with lots of colorful powders in it.

I do as she says and sit down, unsure of what to do. I've never worn makeup before. I then realize something, "Wait. Will it look good? I mean... I'm purple. I don't know if I will be as pretty as you."

Lucy sets the lid of the container down next to me, "You will be so pretty. Besides there are many colors that work well with purple. Like silver. Plus, it will go well with the green."

I smile at the thought of me being pretty. Makeup can look good on me. I close my eyes as she does my eyeshadow, which is ticklish. I struggle with staying still but before I know it, she finishes with the eye shadow and gives me lip gloss making my lips look shiny.

Lucy then does her own makeup, using light pink on her eyes and light pink lipstick on her lips. She then puts her hair up in a neat bun before moving over to me and braiding my hair. She then grabs me by my shoulder gently as she moves me to stand in front of the mirror that is hanging in the bathroom.

My eyes grow wide as I see myself, "I look beautiful."

"Yes, you do. I bet you could pass as a royal."

"Do you really mean that?"

"I do. Now, let's go show the guys. I bet Pierce will drop dead."

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