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"Here we are. Wyvern Cove. It looks so nice," I smile as make it past the painted welcome sign.

Cora and Pierce had fallen silent about half an hour ago, so I assume that they have fallen asleep. Killian hasn't spoken much aside from giving me directions on where to go. I don't know if I did anything to make him upset. I bring the carriage to the stables and pay for them to be tended to while they are here.

Killian and I get off the carriage. He opens the door, revealing Cora and Pierce sleeping peacefully. Cora is snuggled up to Pierce's broad chest while he has one of his arms wrapped around her.

Killian knocks on the wooden floorboards, "Wake up lovebirds."

Pierce's eyes shoot open, glaring at Killian, "What did you call us?"


He slowly stands up, letting Cora slide down on the cushioned seats. He walks over and climbs out of the carriage, standing right in front of the other man, "We are not lovers."

"Really? You cuddle your friends like that?"

I chuckle nervously, "How about we focus on finding a place to sleep tonight. I can wake up Cora."

Pierce looks away from Killian, shaking his head, "No. She has a certain way she likes to be woken up."

The man gets back on the carriage and soon comes back out with Cora who is rubbing her tired eyes. Her black hair has gotten a little messy in her sleep, so her bun has gotten lower. He helps her down the carriage steps and we leave the stables. People are walking and talking around the streets. It's nice seeing a place be so lively. It reminds me of home. Our kingdom has worked very hard to make people feel welcome and safe. Especially during times of war. Since we usually stay neutral and out of political matters, we never had to face war.

"We should find the inn and pay for our rooms in advance," Killian glances around, "It looks busy."

"Good idea," I perk up, "Let's find it. I hope they have enough rooms for us. I was thinking, me and Cora can share a room and you guys can share a room."

"I don't really like that idea," Pierce mutters.

"Why can't Pierce and I share a room," Cora asks.

"Because you need some serious girl time. Let's go get us a room and then we will go shopping. Killian and Pierce, you both should work on some bonding time too. We can't be a team if we don't become friends. Friends actually trust each other. I doubt there's much of that right now."

Killian sighs, "I want my own room. We all should have our own rooms to keep our privacy."

Pierce nods, "I agree."

I sigh, rolling my eyes, "Fine. You win. We will all get our own rooms."

We make our way to the inn which has the name, Endless Nights. What an interesting name. I lead the group inside and walk over to the counter where a young boy is standing. His red hair is neatly shaved, and his bright blue eyes are filled with life.

"Hello, we would like four rooms please," I smile.

He looks up at me, "I'm sorry but we only have two rooms available."

A grunt and a sigh are audiable from behind me. My smile grows a little wider, "Oh, that's fine. We will take those two rooms then."

I pay the guy and he hands over two keys. I hand one to Killian before looping my arm with Cora's. I smile at her, "Me and you can share a room while the boys share one."

Pierce looks at Cora, "Are you okay with that?"

She nods, "Yeah. Lucy is right. We all need to become friends. Me and you already trust each other but we need their trust and they need ours."

The man sighs, "Okay. Your right."

I giggle and head upstairs, finding the room that me and Cora were assigned. We enter the small room that has two beds, a wooden desk in the corner, and a bathroom next to the closet. I set my bag on the bed closest to the window. It has a good view of the street down below. I look over at Cora who is setting her own bag on the other bed. She unties her hair, letting it fall freely down her back.

"Do you want me to braid your hair," I offer.

Cora looks at me, "I would love that. Though I should shower first."

"Sounds good. We can go shopping afterwards."

"That sounds really fun! I've never gone shopping for fun before."

"Really," I gasp.

"Yeah. I only went to the market for food and necessities. Every once in a while, I would buy clothing since I would outgrow my outfits. But I never wanted to take too long. If Pierce ever returned, I wanted to be home."

"That's sweet but also kind of sad. Does your life revolve around Pierce?"

She sets her hand on her chin in thought, "I guess. I don't like going into public places alone and Pierce has kind of been my protector since we were children."

"Your protector?"

Cora lowers her hand from her chin and crosses her arms, "Um... Yeah. We both lost our parents at a young age. Mine died and his... They abandoned him. I found him sitting in a ditch next to the path. He was crying and scared. I felt so bad... It took a while, but he finally learned to trust me. That's kind of why I always stayed at home. If he returned and I wasn't there, he might've thought I left too."

"Cora, I didn't know he went through something like that."

"He is fine now. He made that into a lesson and to him, they aren't his family. Family isn't determined by blood. It is determined by the person and their loyalty."

"That's very sweet. I never took him for that kind of guy."

"I know he doesn't seem like it. But Pierce is genuine and kind. His heart is as big as his muscles. Once he gets used to you, he will protect you and open up more."

I feel a smile tug at my lips, "Mentioning his muscles is an... Interesting way to talk him up."

"Is there anything wrong with that?"

I giggle, shaking my head lightly, "No. There is nothing wrong with that. Now go shower. I want to go shopping. I haven't ever gone as a normal person before."

"What do you mean," Cora asks as she walks towards the bathroom.

"Being royalty doesn't always come with perks."

"I guess it is hard being royalty."

A sigh escapes my lips, "Yeah... Go take your shower. I uh, will wait here."

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