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"The girls are taking their time," I sigh as I lean against the wall behind me, arms crossed.

Pierce and I decided to wait outside the inn since he wanted to get some fresh air. That was his excuse, but I think the inn just had too many people. A small group had arrived while we were inside, and they seemed rather curious about everything. I wonder if he is paranoid about being caught. I didn't want to stay inside alone so I followed him. Thankfully, the streets are just as empty as they were when we arrived.

He was telling me about this nice place to eat at in town, which sounds surprisingly good. I would've already left if it weren't for the girls. Being a group that works together means hanging out and doing simple things together. Not to mention how many sketchy people are around here. I don't want the girls getting ambushed. But damn, I'm hungry and they sure are taking their time. What the hell are they doing?

The door to the inn opens and Lucy walks outside, smile on her face, "Sorry about the wait boys. We wanted to look nice."

My eyes land on her, glancing down at her dress before my eyes go back up to her made-up face. She truly does look like a princess. Graceful and beautiful. I shove the anger down that burns deep inside my chest. The golden necklace shines in the sunlight and I have to take a deep breath to stay calm. There is a white gem that is attached to the gold chain, it also shining bright from the sun.

Pierce glances at her, "Dress up? Seriously?"

"Oh, don't be like that. Cora, get out here."

Cora hesitantly walks outside, Pierce immediately looking at her with a light in his eyes. I roll my eyes at the sight. For someone who acts so tough, he is bad at hiding his emotions. Cora has to know he feels something for her. There is no way anyone is that oblivious. Actually, this is Cora I'm thinking about... The clueless woman.

"I hope we aren't overdressed," the tiefling mumbles as she wrings her hands, looking down at the ground.

"Don't worry. We look great," Lucy smiles.

Cora smiles, her shyness still there but she lowers her hands, "Lead the way Pierce."

"Alright. It's only about two streets down so we won't need the carriage. I hope you girls can walk in heels."

The girls walk behind us as Pierce leads the way to the restaurant. Once we get to a rather large wooden building, we enter to see about half of the tables already full and servants are swiftly moving around everywhere. There is a half orc woman wearing a black suit and she greets us with a smile.

She grabs some menus as she walks over to us, "How many?"

"Four," Pierce answers.

"Follow me."

The lady takes us upstairs, leading us to a table by a big window. Cora sits down next to the window, looking outside with bright eyes. Pierce sits down next to her and I sit down across from him as Lucy sits down across from Cora.

The hostess sets the menus down on the table, "Your server will be here soon."

As she walks off, we all grab our menus, opening them and starting to read what they have. Lucy clears her throat, "I didn't realize this place was fancy. I guess we didn't overdress."

"Pierce, why didn't you say this place was fancy," I glance over at the man.

"It wasn't always like this," he shrugs.

I sigh quietly as my gaze goes back to my menu. These prices are ridiculous. Twenty gold pieces for one meal? What the hell? This food better be fit for a God. Soon, a server walks over to our table with a wide and obviously forced smile, "Welcome to Fulling Foods! What drinks do you all want?"

"Sweet tea," Lucy smiles.

"Water," mutters Pierce.

"Sweet tea for me too," Cora smiles.

"I'll do a water as well," I grumble.

She quickly writes down our drink orders before hurrying off again. Cora looks around the busy room, "Pierce, how did you find this place?"

The criminal smiles at her, "It was a place I used to hideout at. But it was smaller and not really all that fancy. I guess it has been quite some time since I was last here. I wonder if the owner became a sellout."

"I couldn't imagine you ever being somewhere fancy," I tease.

Pierce looks at me, lowering his menu, "I can't imagine you ever using manners."

"Hey, sometimes I do," a small chuckle escapes me.

"I've never heard you use any," Lucy smiles mischievously at me.

I roll my eyes, "Because none of you have been kind enough to me to earn my manner and respectful side."

Cora looks at me, "Well, you will always have my kind side. All of you will! Hope and positivity can actually get you quite far."

"Is that why you're so happy," the other woman asks.

"Yeah. When things get hard, you need to smile. Otherwise, doubt and despair will fill you. You will accept defeat much quicker."

"Damn, now you're sounding like me," Pierce nudges Cora's arm gently.

She shrugs, "I'm just being honest. I may smile and be happy all the time, but it has always helped us. Whenever you wanted to give up, no matter what the task was. I encouraged you with my smile."

"I think it was more so the inspirational speech that came with it," he chuckles.

She giggles, "I don't think those were ever good."

Our server comes back and quickly takes all of our orders before leaving again. I lean back in my seat, glancing around the room that is filled with rich people. None of them have any worries. They all live carefree. I notice all the flashy and shiny jewelry that the women are wearing, the expensive outfits on everyone, and the abundance of food on the tables. 

"Killian, are you alright," Lucy's voice reaches my ears.

I look back at the three who are staring at me, "I'm fine. I just got lost in my thoughts. I don't like hanging out in these kinds of crowds."

"Too rich for your taste," the other man jokes.

"Yes," I deadpan.

Lucy's smile falls as Cora's falters for a moment. The rest of the meal is silent with tension hanging in the air. The minutes drag on as I wait for the meal to end. When we pay and leave, I feel as if the weight on my chest leaves. I can finally breathe now that we are away from those people.

"I'm going to head back to the inn later. I want to look around the town for a bit," I state before turning and walking away, ignoring their questions and confused looks. I don't need to explain anything to them. It's none of their fucking business.

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