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"He doesn't hate you," Cora's voice is soft, the woman sitting next to me on my bed. Her hand rests gently on my shoulder.

I look over at her, seeing her in a black shirt and brown pants with her hair down, "I just don't understand why he doesn't like rich or royal people. He hasn't shown any hatred like that towards me even though he knows my status."

"Maybe because he got to know you. If you want to talk to him about it, that would probably be the best option. If he can't like you over something so small, then it's something that needs to be worked out."

"But that's the thing. I think he does like me. As a friend of course but why make me an exception? I haven't even really done anything to get on his good side."

"That's something I can't answer. I'm sure talking things out will fix this all. We should get to bed though. It's late."

"Your right. I'll just have to leave this for tomorrow. Thank you for talking to me."

Cora smiles at me before standing up and laying down on her bed, pulling the covers over her. I lay down on my back, the covers under me. My white shirt loosely hangs on my body while my pink pants fit me perfectly. I know my hair is messier than I would like but considering its night, I know it doesn't matter since no one will see it other than Cora. She would never make fun of me for looking unpresentable though. She is one of the kindest people that I have ever met.

I sigh quietly, hearing Cora snore lightly. I glance over at my sleeping friend who is curled up into a ball. Her face is peaceful, her features soft. I close my eyes softly, my eyelids growing heavier by the second.

The smell of fire and burning flesh fills my nose. I watch as my people scream and run down the burning streets. My castle stands in front of me. Not as the lavish, shining, high castle that I call home. But one covered in dancing flames that engulfs everything they touch. I look around frantically trying to find my parents or my friends. Anyone that I may know. Then I hear it. A scream. One so familiar that it shakes me to my core.

"Mother," I yell into the crowd of people.

She screams again, running towards me. I notice the flames flickering on her back that soon ignite her completely. My mother's long blonde hair burns away, her normal calm and soft face is contorted in a pained scream, and her light blue, white dress that has always been her favorite, burns away with her skin. Soon, her burnt crisp corpse falls to the stone pathway.

Tears run down my face, my body shaking from fear and sorrow. A pit starts forming in my stomach, "N-no! Mother!"

I run over to the lifeless body and fall onto my knees, the screaming and panicked people get blocked out of my mind. I can't look away from my mother. Memories flash through my mind all at once. Her taking me on walks around the courthouse, showing me family relics and heirlooms, even being taken to places all over the world just because I asked.

"Lucielle," a man's voice breaks me from my daze.

My head shoots up, "Father? Father!"

I stand from the ground and run towards his voice, pushing people out of my way. I normally would try keeping everyone calm at a moment like this, but I need to make sure my father is alive and safe. My tears continue to fall down my face as my blurry vision makes it harder to find him.

"Father? Where are you? I'm here," my voice gets drowned out from the shouting of all the people.

"Lucielle! Come to me!"

I run towards his voice, more people getting in my way. I start to grow weaker, letting out gasps for air and soft cries. My body continues to shake with fear and anxiety. What happened? Who is attacking us? I get pushed down, hitting the ground with a thud. As I set my hands on the bloody, broken concrete, it disappears. I scream as I fall into a black void, seeing everything disappear.

I land on a cloud of grey smoke, slowly falling onto something solid. Though there is nothing here but darkness. I don't even know what I'm standing on. I wipe away my tears, pushing away my emotions as I try to calm down. 

"Hello," I call out.

My voice doesn't echo. It's actually eerily silent here. I shakily stand up. I take a small step forward, slowly taking a few more careful steps towards nothing, holding my hands up in case I run into something invisible. This has got to be one of the weirdest dreams I've had. 

"Lucy," a male voice questions from behind me. 

I turn around seeing Killian who has red, puffy eyes. My gaze softens, feeling bad for him, but then I raise a brow, "Wait. This is my dream. What's going on?"

"Your dream? This is mine. What the hell is this?"

"Guys," Cora's voice rings out as she runs over to us.

Pierce is close behind her, glancing around with tense shoulders, "Why are we here?"

Cora has a few tears streaming down her cheeks, "I found myself here after a terrible nightmare. What about you guys?"

My gaze falls, "I had a nightmare too."

"Must've been all of us then," Killian sighs as his arms cross over his chest.

Pierce looks around, "Is it only us here?"

"No," a loud voice comes out of what seems like everywhere. Deep and strong.

Cora grabs Pierce's arm as Killian goes to grab his daggers, which he doesn't have. He is only wearing a black tank top with grey pants. His pajamas. I look at Pierce seeing he is wearing a white shirt with black pants, also without his weapons. I raise my hands, getting ready to send out a magic attack. Though I feel nothing. Wherever we are, I can't use my magic.

"Who are you," Pierce growls.

"I am a friend. I sent you all those letters with the idea that you all would get to work at being heroes. Instead, you all goof off and work on something as pathetic and stupid as friendship. These dreams were made to remind you what is at stake. To remind you what you need to do."

Killian glares towards the abyss, "So tell us what the hell we need to do! Being heroes is very vague!"

"Look around. There is much evil that needs taken out. If you look you will find it. Now... Wake up."

I gasp for air as I sit up in my bed, some of my hair falling in my face. I look over at Cora who shoots up, standing from her bed, hair messy and sweat on her forehead. We look at each other in stunned silence. Not sure what just happened.

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