Chapter 33

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I suppressed a yawn as I batted my eyes trying to keep them open. I watched as Devin patiently sipped his coffee. His eyes bored holes in my forehead as I shook my head.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm so tired. I need rest." I covered my mouth with my hands as another yawn left my lips. "We can continue this later." I stood up only to be dragged back into the coach.

"You only have a couple left to read." He stared at me, and gave me a look that I had now started to hate as much as those god damn papers.

"You said that two hours ago, Devin!" I let my anger take over and let my inner demon I had been holding in out. "I'm fucking tired and you can't force me to be here anymore if I don't want to." I stood up and walked across the room to the door. "Watch me fucking leave and not finish reading your stupid papers for you." I was so damn tired I didn't care at that point. He could not take away my beauty sleep any longer.

He stood up and in two long strides, he was standing before me in his impeccable glory. I had to say this man didn't need any beauty sleep like me who for sure had big dark circles under her eyes. Oh gosh, I'm gawking over the villain who is out to take away my precious sleep.

"You're right."

I stared up at his blue orbs and couldn't believe what had just left his mouth.

"I'm right?" I asked shell shocked. I thought he had stood up to drag me back to the coach.

"I can't force you to stay here." I waited for him to continue. There was bound to be a 'but' coming soon.

"But." I fucken knew it. He stared back at me with his intense gaze and slowly finished his sentence.

"You did do something very, very bad." I stilled as he stepped into my personal bubble, making my breath hitch as he kept on invading it by taking huge steps towards me.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I promise I never stick my nose where it is not wanted anymore." I stammered my words?! What in the world was happening to me? I never do that. It was him and his closeness. The feelings I had barely uncovered were getting stronger. Damn him for making me feel this way. I never signed up for this. I didn't want this. I had made a promise to myself to never fall for someone ever again and here I was falling for my arranged playboy of a husband. How in the world did I even let this happen?

"I'm not talking about that, although that did boil my blood." He took one final step and soon our breaths mingled together. "How do you and Asher Lockheart know each other?" He searched my face.

Taken aback by it, I pulled a confused look.

"Come on. Answer my question," he pressed.

I didn't want to tell him anything. He would try to pry out everything he could and that past is something to be kept closed and untouched. I couldn't allow myself to break down if I even peeked inside of it.

"You introduced us. Remember?" Don't let him see you're lying. Don't let him see you're lying.

"Don't play games with me, Samantha!" He raised his voice at me. Someone needed that sleep a bit more than I do at this point.

"Why do you care?" I crossed my arms over my chest. My arms making contact with his chest in the process due to the lack of space between both of us. I wasn't going to let him pry anything out of me.

"Why do I care? Why do I care?! This man and I are about to sign a partnership and I don't want any trouble in paradise with him. A little birdy told me you guys have a past and I don't want that past to ruin this contract that will do good to my company." He ran a hand through his raven disheveled locks and tugged at the roots.

"Why do you need another partnership? Aren't you in one with my father?" I was pretty sure my dad's company could do better to Devin's than Asher's ever could.

"Not yet. Your father set a strict rule that we need to be in wedlock for two years before that ever happens. Until then, I plan on looking elsewhere until your father comes by."

I feel so left out. Everything that everyone told me was new to me. It felt like no one trusted me to hold such information. My parents still treated me as a child who had to be protected from everything. It even brought them to marry me off. Yeah, this whole thing had been arranged years before I was even born. Couldn't that stupid contract be broken before I had to be put by the side of this man?

"Again, I will ask you. How do you know Asher Lockheart?"

"We used to be in a relationship. A rocky one. I broke up with him and since then, I have had no contact with him until I saw him again. Happy?" I wasn't going to go into explicit details and tell him everything that went on with us. I wasn't going to tell him that I had Asher's child. I ripped her from her father's arms when she was born, and gave her up to someone else. Gosh, I opened that box.

"That's all?"

"What did your little birdy tell you more? Who is your little birdy by the way?" He made a move to leave the room, but I grabbed him by his upper arm and pulled him towards me. It was my turn to have that upper hand.

I stared at his for awhile hoping he would open his mouth and spill whatever he was hiding, but he didn't.

"Come on, answer! I answered you and it would only be nice of you to do the same to me!" This man brought out anger in me I never knew I had. I still couldn't believe I had him still in my death grip.

I pulled him closer bumping his chest onto mine and waited for his response that was killing me inside. Who ever this birdy of his was, I was going to have a little chat with them. Even if he didn't tell me, I had my ways of finding things out.


Can I just say THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE aka me. I updated a FOURTH time this week. YAY! I just needed to thank you all because this book was able to snag #9 on chicklit. Thank you everyone who has voted so far and keep it up.

Things have just gotten a little hot in here. Samantha is showing Devin that women also have the dominant hand anytime they want.

So there it was. Samantha gave her child up for adoption, her little girl ):

Who do you guys think Devin's little birdy is? I have mentioned this person just not thoroughly by the way. Who ever guesses it right gets the next chapter dedicated to them. Comment and good luck.

Please vote and comment.

Until next time lovelies, Bye(:

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