Chapter 48

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Two weeks passed since Devin left. Two weeks since he approved of the divorce and two weeks of me feeling empty. Spain had shown me a side of Devin that I wanted to keep around my side, and I was even debating with myself if a divorce was really what I needed. Is it wrong to think I was starting to feel more than attraction toward him? I let out a soft laugh at the memory of the both of us in his office, the night I had told him he was attractive. I missed his constant phone calls. His occasional smile, but most of all I started missing him. I thought I would be content with the divorce that would come but I wasn't. I was the total opposite. I wanted to be with him.

A knock came from the door, and I turned to see Sidney slouching on the doorframe with a grim expression. I had been staying with her since Devin left. I didn't think it was fit to stay in his home that would no longer be mine.

"Asher's here," she said with a frown and continued, "He says it's important."

I furrowed my eyebrows and followed Sidney out of the room and to her living room. Asher stood in front of the fireplace, leaning one of his elbows against the wall. He was taking great interest in his shoes until he heard us walk in.

"Samantha," he greeted but didn't continue. Instead, he gave a nod to Sidney as a sign to leave the room. Before she left, she squeezed my hand. "I'm going to just go straight to the point, there is no need to prolong my unwelcomed visit. I have decided to let things be as they are with Bella. What I mean by that is that I will not fight for her custody. I've been thinking and I was lead to the point that if we were to win, she wouldn't have a perfect family. Her parents wouldn't be together and I know she needs that. She needs a stable home and Samantha, we are not that. We are beyond that. You are on the bridge of a divorce and you can't even look at me without disgust because of what I did.

Samantha, I do regret that and I hope you know that. But life goes on and we are both on different paths and Bella would be corrupted if we brought her into our lives. We both need to live on and let the past be in the past. Bella is with a family that loves her and will give her what she needs which is a family that is not broken. She deserves a happy future, we all do."

I hadn't noticed when the tears did start to fall but by the time he was done speaking, my cheeks were all wet and stained. I brought my hands up and wiped away the tears with the sides of my palm. Asher was at my side in a stride and he enveloped me in his arms. He stroked my hair and held me while I had a moment.

"You're right," I finally let out when I calmed down. "She deserves a family and we are not what she needs." I pulled away from his hold and looked up to him, "Leave the past in the past and live in the present, right?" He nodded. "I'm sorry for not telling you about Bella when I found out and also for putting her up for adoption, but you have to give me some slack. I was pretty pissed." I let a laugh escape me and he smiled.

"And I'm sorry for sleeping with your best friend, but she did lie to me. She told me you were going to break things off because you met someone in Sweden while you were away. I slept with her out of pure sadness and anger. But I soon found out she was lying to me. I really am sorry I let myself be manipulated by her."

"That's why you slept with her?" I asked astonished. I was finally getting the explanation I wanted since the day that happened.


"Ha! Look at us, making up after two years. Friends?" I asked and stuck my hand out for a shake.

"Friends." He shook my hand and we laughed in synch.

"I hope you have a happy life with Prim. She really has changed."

"And I hope you have a happy life as well, if it is or isn't with Devin because at this point I think you won't want that divorce."

"And why is that?"

"I saw the way your eyes casted when I mentioned the divorce. You always do that when you don't agree with something. Anyway, whatever you decide to do, I hope you're happy with your choice." Asher fixed his denim jacket and walked to the front door. "I'll see you around," were the last things he said before leaving.

"Yeah," I mumbled.


"Mr. Maker?" I said as I walked into his office that was in the Maker building here in Miami.

"Samantha? Why are you here this time?" He said as he checked his Rolex.

"I need your help."

"Please sit."

Asher left me thinking with all of his words. That thinking led to more and more, until I decided I knew what I wanted. I wanted Devin. I wanted him to know I didn't want the divorce and I wanted to be his if he wanted me. I was going to put myself out there and if he didn't feel the same I would just have to live with it.

"I need to go see Devin and tell him something that I can't do over the phone. I need to tell him in person."

"At least one of you has balls in this relationship," he said with a laugh.


"What I meant to say is at least one of you has the decency to say something important face to face instead of leaving a lousy voicemail to explain everything. I'm glad to know it's you." Mr. Maker gave me a sad smile and answered what I needed to know. Looks like I'm going back to Europe.


Lana Del Rey sure is putting me in a mood to write all these scenes.

I'm proud that I updated so soon. I started writing and just couldn't stop. By the way, you should so listen to the song in the media section. That was all I was listening to as I wrote this chapter and other songs but mostly that one.

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