Chapter 45

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I crossed my arms and leaned in my seat to form a slouched seated position.

"You're mad?" Devin asked as he studied my behavior.

"That would be an understatement. I'm beyond mad that you would make a fool of me in public. I thought your flings were never to be seen to the outside world. Heck, you weren't even supposed to have flaws in the first place, yet you had them.

"I'm furious that up until now, I'm finally realizing I was just a puppet everyone controlled. My mother would be the main puppet master, and you would be in the audience not looking since you were occupied." I was exposing how I felt to a jerk who I bet wouldn't care.

"The decency I thought you would at least have hasn't shown. I thought you had a reputation to hold, yet you're practically screwing with women everywhere by flirting with them. No, I am not a jealous woman. I am a woman that would like to keep her respect from the public eye, and one that is not made a fool of by her own husband. I don't think you would be too ecstatic if the plates were turned."

He stayed silent, looking at my face as if debating with himself on what to say.

"You're right. That was a very jerk like move back there and I will make sure not to do that anymore. I am sorry I made you feel that way, Samantha." He looked sincerely into my eyes, a bit too sincere to be true. However, I just went along with his apology.

"I just don't want to come by as the next Georgina Halls who was seen by the media's eyes as not good enough since her husband cheated on her in broad daylight. I don't want to be a laughing stock like poor Georgina who never deserved what she got with all the hate," I said bringing up Georgina Hall who had been the wife to a wealthy marketer, until they split due to her finding out about his dark secrets through the media.

He nodded his head.

"I understand."


Daniel's POV

"Devin can't do anything right. He always screws up!"

"Calm down. Your brother is not the bad guy. He has done a great job keeping the company up, while you were always traveling to who knows where."

"Why can't you see it? Devin could care less about her. I care. I want her."

"Daniel, calm yourself. She is not a piece of meat that should be fought over." My father continued to sip his coffee that was in one hand, and scrolled through his phone that was in the other.

"I know she's not, but Devin treats her like one. We both know the only reason he's still with her is because you blackmailed him by dangling the company in his face," I said lowering my tone for his sake.

"I'm hoping he will change with her."

I scoffed. The old man really thought Devin, who has always been the way he is can change. I would love to see when the day comes. Devin has never been the one to settle, and I was surprised when he stayed with that Melody chick for more than six months. She must be doing some voodoo shit on him since from experience, she's nothing special.

I ran a hand over my hair and stared at my aging father. His three day stubble was covered with patches of gray just like his hair. His wrinkles that covered the area below his eyes made him look older than he was. He was sixty, and his age was deceiving to some since he looked a couple of years older then he really was. The late nights at the office really had their toll on him.

That was what I was escaping when I traveled, being locked up in an office doing boring paper work. Devin had no problem with it, but I would go crazy.

"Knowing him, that would be a miracle."

"Believe in your brother. I sense greatness in the near future. I sense improvement and love toward his wife." My father put his phone down and raised his mug as if to give a toast. "Everyone is capable of change and your brother will, I promise. Cheers." He drank the hot, dark coffee and gave a weak smile. All I was stuck thinking about were my father's words. His wife. Devin's wife. Samantha. His.

"Speaking of the married couple, where are they? I tried giving Devin a call and he didn't answer," I asked with a strained voice.

"They're on vacation at Spain. This is why I sense what I sense." Him and his sensing were putting a strain on me with all his talk about Devin being able to change his lifestyle.

I drummed my fingers on the table and looked at my untouched plate of fruits.

Spain. I haven't gone there in awhile. A visit there couldn't hurt. Heck, I could see my brother. My dear brother and Samantha. I don't think they would mind an extra tag along on their little vacation.

"You know what father, I think you're completly wrong. Devin will never change and especially because of Samantha. She will be mine. I was the one that spent the time to get to know her. The one that was there for the wedding day and if you didn't know that already, go talk to mom. She seems to be keeping a lot of things from you lately," I said remembering her affair with one of the board members at our company.

He was lost for words and when he finally was about to talk, I left the dinning room. I had no time to stick around and hear more bullshit from my family. I already wasted enough time living with them.


Are you guys mad at me? I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while but I started school and can I just say I'm already tried and I've only attended three days. Since I have started school I will be updating around once a week when I find time in my schedule.

Some of you have been asking for some Devon and Samantha time and I hope this at least gives you a little insight on what you want.

Now I have a very important question to ask....

Who are you rooting for?

Devin...or Devon??

Now this story will end soon so I have some news on what is next for this story. Nope this is not it. I have started working on a prequel that is still not up but will be when this is finished up. Further information about the prequel will be said at the end of the story so hang tight.

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Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora