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Chapter 16
Before Ji Ruan's discharge, Gu Xiuyi arranged a comprehensive physical examination for him.
The tests required fasting, so Ji Ruan was roused at dawn and led around various departments. Hunger made stars dance before his eyes.
Leaning against the bed, looking at Gu Xiuyi, it felt like the man's face was soaring high one moment and plummeting the next. Dizzy and drained, he eventually shut his eyes to rest.
Aunt Zhao fed him half a bowl of porridge, but his hunger-induced stomach pain made him vomit soon after. Instead of being discharged that day, the ordeal extended his stay by another night. It wasn't until the next morning that he was taken home, looking rather wilted.
During Ji Ruan's illness, he lived on a bare minimum, consuming only clear fluids and sensitive to most food. He could only stomach the watery porridge Aunt Zhao prepared, with an occasional nibble of bland fare. Lacking strength, he relied on Gu Xiuyi's support- half-assisted, half-carried- to make it up the stairs and into his bed.
The consequence of such a diet was evident weight loss. Gu Xiuyi glanced at Ji Ruan's wrist peeking from beneath the blanket, feeling a pang of distress.
The detailed examination he meticulously arranged, down to every hair's breadth, only delivered to him an even more disheartening report.
Gu Xiuyi scrutinized the report multiple times, even taking out his long-abandoned reading glasses, yet he still found it so unbelievable that he began to doubt the accuracy of his own eyesight.
Anemia, hypoglycemia, malnutrition - every indicator was disastrously off, barely managing to scrape a passing grade. On one hand, it seemed like a major concern; on the other, it felt just shy of acceptable. But everywhere you looked, there were issues.
On the day Gu Xiuyi received the report, he was plagued with a headache, feeling as if the fragile soul he had brought home to save himself some trouble was now spiraling out of control, morphing into a genuine handful.
He was the kind you couldn't scold or physically reprimand; just a harsh word could knock him out cold - a delicate, troublesome spirit.
Ji Ruan stayed dazed and bedridden for two days. Only when his stomach began to recover and he could tolerate some oily food did he finally revive, reminiscent of withered grass finally receiving a nourishing spring rain, sprouting fresh leaves and reviving once more.
Every day, when sipping the varied soups prepared by Aunt Zhao, Ji Ruan would exclaim, "Indeed, humans can't live without meat."
Gu Xiuyi became busy again. Ji Ruan had been staying here for almost the entirety of summer vacation. Even though Ji Ruan knew that Gu Xiuyi's absence from the villa was the norm, in the past, no matter how busy, he would occasionally call to chat and inquire about Little An and what Aunt Zhao had prepared for dinner.
But in recent days, Ji Ruan hadn't received a single call. Gu Xiuyi seemed extraordinarily busy.
The next time Ji Ruan saw Gu Xiuyi was directly on the open day that Saturday.
Ji Ruan had once fallen ill shortly after being admitted to university, and he was hospitalized before he could even report. He never got to experience college life.
Now granted a second lease on life, the excitement of truly stepping onto a college campus made his heart race.
Indeed, human desires grow over time. Previously, when faced with the abyss of death, he only wished to survive. But once that was achieved, he yearned to live even better, more comfortably, more freely.
That night, Ji Ruan went to bed early. The next day, he purposely wore a light blue short-sleeved shirt that resembled a watercolor painting, and Aunt Zhao commented on how handsome he looked in it.
After breakfast, Gu Xiuyi came to pick him up from the yard.
Gu Xiuyi wasn't in his usual suit but wore a casual striped shirt paired with black trousers. With his broad shoulders and tall stature, he resembled the ideal charismatic senior one might fantasize about in a college setting.
Ji Ruan cast him an approving glance, taking an extra moment to appreciate the view.
It had rained a couple of days ago, but today's weather was rather pleasant, not too hot, with the sun occasionally peeking out.
"How are you feeling?" Gu Xiuyi inquired in the car.
Ji Ruan was texting Han Xiaolin at the moment and replied while typing, "Much better now."
Gu Xiuyi gave Ji Ruan a thorough once-over. Though he hadn't gained back the weight he'd lost, he did seem much more spirited and appeared to be in high spirits.
Today, he's dressed quite smartly, wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt and white shorts. He's carrying a casual sling bag that accentuates his slender shoulders, looking every bit the youthful college student.
Indeed, Gu Xiuyi thought he was the most fitting person for the shade of pale blue.
A smile unconsciously crept to the corner of Gu Xiuyi's lips as he asked Ji Ruan, "Have you been feeling dizzy lately?"
Due to his anemia and hypoglycemia, the most common symptoms he displayed were dizziness and fatigue.
Ji Ruan shot Gu Xiuyi a 'how did you know?' look and replied, "A bit..." He chuckled sheepishly, "Especially when I'm hungry."
He's always known that his body doesn't handle hunger well. Previously, he'd just feel weak when hungry, but now dizziness hits him when he hasn't eaten. One morning, he even fell when getting out of bed. Despite the carpeting, the fall left him stunned, and he sat on the floor for a while before managing to get up.
"You're a bit anemic, which can cause dizziness. Always move slowly, whether you're sitting up or walking. Try your best not to fall," Gu Xiuyi recited, echoing the doctor's words verbatim.
Touching the tip of his nose, Ji Ruan chose not to mention his recent tumble. "Alright, I've got it."
The Freshman Orientation and Campus Open Day had made the university entrance bustling. Long tree-lined avenues were draped with banners. Freshmen, alumni, relatives, and volunteers in blue gowns filled the campus with joy and laughter.
Ji Ruan walked silently beside Gu Xiuyi, occasionally observing passing pedestrians or looking up at the overhead banners.
Both sides of the avenue were lined with rows of plane trees. The trees of this prestigious university were quite aged, their dense leaves providing ample shade. Occasionally, patches of sunlight would break through, causing Ji Ruan to squint. But within moments, he'd be looking up again, engrossed.
Gu Xiuyi watched Ji Ruan, sensing his genuine curiosity and longing for university life.

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