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Chapter 19
By the time Gu Xiuyi returned home, Ji Ruan was video-calling Han Xiaolin. On the table, a notebook was laid open. Its title in bold red letters instantly caught Gu Xiuyi's attention-
Essential items for dorm life at the start of the term!
The words were too big, too red, and too glaring, making Gu Xiuyi feel momentarily dazed.
And the "culprit", Ji Ruan, was sitting there in his pajamas, his hair a mess, blinking his large eyes in confusion.
"Why are you back?"
Ji Ruan stood up and walked over to Gu Xiuyi, even poking his arm with a finger, as if to confirm the reality of the person before him.
Wow, such solid muscles. You're in great shape.
Gu Xiuyi grasped the soft fingers of the soon-to-be college student, letting go: "Are you staying on campus?"
His demeanor and tone remained as usual. Ji Ruan, oblivious to any particular intent, smiled brilliantly: "Yes, I am."
I wonder what unique allure campus life holds that even the kid's dimples seem to overflow with sweetness.
Gu Xiuyi opened his mouth to speak, but words failed him.
Ji Ruan's messy hair was rather conspicuous. Gu Xiuyi glanced at it several times, finding it hard to completely ignore: "Haven't you combed your hair?"
As he said this, he tried to pat down the few stray strands. Surprisingly, the soft hair stubbornly resisted being flattened.
"I washed and freshened up as soon as I woke up," Ji Ruan felt somewhat slighted and took a step back, slightly disgruntled, "But if my hair got tousled while sleeping, what can I do?"
Gu Xiuyi: "..."
Never mind, the hair isn't the main concern right now.
He observed Ji Ruan's complexion. His lips looked pale and dry. Clearly, he was hungry again.
Yet he skipped breakfast to video chat with a classmate?
Gu Xiuyi tapped on the table and gestured towards the phone, "Is there something so important that it has to be discussed right now?"
Ji Ruan looked over. The screen showed Han Xiaolin's curious face peeking into their conversation. He quickly turned his phone away: "Han Xiaolin has a lot of experience with campus life. I was seeking his advice. But he's busy with military training; it's only reasonable for me to accommodate his schedule."
Good, back on track.
Gu Xiuyi, resting one hand on the table, turned the phone back to face him, addressing the camo-clad, energetic-looking Han Xiaolin, "Mr. Han Xiaolin, I'm going to take Ji Ruan away now. You should get back to your training."
Without waiting for the stunned Han Xiaolin to react, he promptly ended the video call. As he lowered his gaze, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of the details on Ji Ruan's dormitory checklist.
This guy has even decided on the color of the washbasin he'll choose!
Without uttering another word, Gu Xiuyi escorted Ji Ruan downstairs, holding onto his hand, fearing he might feel dizzy midway down the staircase.
Following behind, Ji Ruan was baffled, "Do you have something to tell me?"
Gu Xiuyi replied gravely, "We need to have a serious talk."
Two minutes later, by the dining table.
Gu Xiuyi and Ji Ruan sat opposite each other. Gu, still in his business suit, rested against the chair with legs crossed. With his years of meeting experience and dominant presence, he effortlessly transformed the beautiful marble dining table into a negotiation table.
His counterpart in this discussion was a certain Mr. Ji - a soon-to-be college student with upturned hair. All that seemed to matter to the young man's round eyes was the steamed meat bun and soy milk in front of him - his breakfast.
Ji Ruan swallowed, reaching for the bun. However, he quickly withdrew his hand as the bun's hot exterior startled him; it seemed freshly steamed.
Cooling his fingertips, he looked at Gu Xiuyi, "Why don't you start?"
Hopefully, before I dig in. And preferably within a minute.
Gu Xiuyi sat up straight, his fingers interlocked on the table, and exuded authority: "Why have you decided to stay on campus?"
Bemused by Gu's earnest approach, Ji Ruan briefly thought he was about to negotiate a contract.
Blinking, he responded, "Doesn't everyone do that? Didn't you stay on campus during your freshman year?"
"It's different," Gu Xiuyi retorted flatly, dismissing Ji's first reason.

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