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Chapter 64
The mall buzzed with activity on a weekend afternoon.
Ji Ruan leaned against the claw machine, half-listening to Bai Yue's chatter while weighing the tokens in his hand, pondering how he might win the prettiest bunny plushie with his last move.
After the two bystanders ascertained Ji Ruan's identity, their observation of the conversation between him and Bai Yue became even more intriguing.
Bai Yue enthusiastically discussed Han embroidery, but Ji Ruan, with his gaze fixed on the tokens in his hand, seemed to value the claw machine more than Bai Yue's entire presence.
The man observed for a moment and then whispered to Bai Yue, "Do you know he's Mr. Gu's husband?"
Bai Yue gave a gentle smile, a hint of melancholy shining through his eyes, "Xiuyi's lover, is naturally also a dear friend of mine."
The man seemed to perceive the plot of an 800-episode drama just from his expression, feeling a shiver run down his spine, he awkwardly said, "Oh, is that so..."
But even if the relationship seemed a bit ambiguous, Bai Yue's words once again confirmed to them that this young man, who appeared to have just come of age, was indeed married to Gu Xiuyi.
The man shifted his eyes, then obsequiously handed Ji Ruan a business card, "Mr. Ji, my apologies for not recognizing such a great person earlier. My surname is Gao, and I'm an old high school friend of Mr. Gu. You can just call me 'Old Gao'."
He pulled the young woman standing next to him closer, "This is my wife. We're all friends here, ha ha ha!"
The woman tugged lightly at his sleeve, then gave Ji Ruan a polite smile.
Ji Ruan responded neutrally, "Hello."
He took the business card and glanced at it. The man dealt in manufacturing parts.
Old Gao, trying to gauge Ji Ruan's reaction, ventured, "I heard that the third phase of the Lingzhou project is about to commence. Mr. Gu must be quite busy these days, right?"
The corporation seemed to have a new project in the works lately. Ji Ruan often heard Gu Xiuyi mention it over the phone; it seemed to be still in the bidding phase. With a moment's thought, he roughly grasped what was happening today.
"Xiuyi is indeed very busy," Bai Yue chimed in before anyone else could speak.
He seemed somewhat displeased that Old Gao was trying to cozy up to Ji Ruan, bypassing him. Stepping forward with a hint of sternness in his tone, he remarked, "Didn't I tell you this before? And besides, Ji Ruan is so young; he wouldn't understand the complexities of the business world. Why are you even bothering him with such matters?"
Old Gao quickly placated, "Right, you did mention that. But you said there'd be a reunion and Mr. Gu didn't show up. I was just a bit anxious..."
Bai Yue responded impatiently, "How many times must I explain? On the day of the reunion, Xiuyi had a crucial meeting to attend. He's running such a large company; he can't possibly attend every minor event, can he? I'll relay your concerns to him. What are you worried about?"
He stood tall with arms crossed, exuding confidence with each word, hinting at his intimate relationship with Gu Xiuyi.
Ji Ruan's eyebrows raised ever so slightly. He distinctly remembered that during the reunion, Gu Xiuyi was at home playing a board game with him.
Could the crucial meeting Bai Yue referred to be when Ji Ruan, bored with the game, discussed with Gu Xiuyi about setting a daily kissing limit?
If that was the case, it must've been of utmost importance to Gu Xiuyi, considering they still hadn't reached a consensus about their daily kiss quota.
But Old Gao seemed thoroughly convinced, becoming even more deferential towards Bai Yue, "Of course, of course, you're right. How could I ever doubt you? We all know how close you and Mr. Gu are."
Bai Yue's expression softened slightly, "There's no special bond really, just friends."
Lao Gao teased knowingly, "Oh come on! You two have known each other for over a decade. Surely you're more than just ordinary friends? If you ask me, Gu has some special feelings for you."
Bai Yue frowned in feigned annoyance, "What nonsense are you spouting in front of someone's partner?"
Lao Gao theatrically slapped his mouth, "Oops, did I say something wrong?"
Ji Ruan set down the game coins he was holding. He finally looked at the group in front of him, suddenly finding the scene more entertaining than the claw machine-and it didn't cost a penny.
"Is there anything else you'd like to say?" He looked at Bai Yue with a smirk.
Bai Yue smiled gracefully, "Nothing much, just wanted to ask about the progress of your embroidery. After all, it's grandfather's birthday next week."
The quiet girl standing beside Lao Gao felt Bai Yue's attitude towards Ji Ruan was a bit off. She tugged at Lao Gao's sleeve, signaling him to remain silent, then turned to the duo with a smile,
"I apologize, there was a call from home. Lao Gao and I need to step out for a bit."
Bai Yue, whose mind was clearly elsewhere, nonchalantly nodded, "Go ahead."
Lao Gao, dragged to the side, was bewildered. No one had called him.
He shook off his wife's grip, "What the... I'm discussing important matters! Why are you causing a scene?"
The girl replied sternly, "Who's causing a scene? Precisely because it's important, I'm telling you not to be so sycophantic to someone surnamed Bai."
"Why not? Bai Yue has known Gu Xiuyi the longest, we need his help in our business."
The girl shook her head with a frown, "We shouldn't make hasty judgments. I just did some online digging, and it seems that Gu Xiuyi holds that young lad in high regard. Do you truly believe Gu Xiuyi has affections for someone surnamed Bai? It doesn't look that way to me."

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