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Chapter 17
After registering at their respective department booths, the freshmen needed to gather on the sports field for a general assembly.
All the way there, Gu Xiuyi, hand-in-hand with Ji Ruan, attracted many astonished glances.
Gu Xiuyi had long grown accustomed to such stares. However, uncertain about Ji Ruan's feelings, he lowered his head to gauge his expression, "Does it bother you?"
Ji Ruan wasn't particularly concerned with others' attention. He just deeply disliked being closely surrounded; it made him feel dizzy.
Inside the academy's gift bag was a folding fan, a piece of campus creative art with the school motto inscribed on it. From its base hung a blue tassel. Ji Ruan opened it, gently fanning himself and said to Gu Xiuyi, "I felt a bit dizzy earlier."
Gu Xiuyi's expression tightened, "Do you want to go home first?"
"No need," Ji Ruan replied with a smile, shaking his head. "I'm fine now; it was just a momentary stuffiness."
Gu Xiuyi pressed his thin lips together, neither agreeing nor insisting on taking Ji Ruan home.
He stayed with Ji Ruan on the field for a while. Only after Han Xiaolin came bouncing over and Ji Ruan was safely handed over to his good friend did Gu Xiuyi proceed to the stands designated for family members.
Watching Gu Xiuyi walk away, Han Xiaolin draped an arm over Ji Ruan's shoulder, his eyes wide with curiosity, "What was all that about earlier?"
Wiping sweat from the tip of his nose, Ji Ruan feigned ignorance, "What are you talking about?"
"This!" Han Xiaolin quickly pulled out his phone and tapped on the Weibo app, animatedly exclaiming, "How did you end up in Mr. Gu's arms?! And holding hands? You even walked quite a distance hand in hand!"
Ji Ruan leaned over to see, and in just a short span of time, the news was already out!
[Latest Photos Revealed! Today, the Chairman of Gu Corporation accompanies his doting wife to their alma mater's ceremony. The wife is none other than a first-year student at a prestigious university. Their intimate embraces have caught everyone's attention!]
The accompanying photos were raw unedited shots from outside the multipurpose hall, showing Gu Xiuyi embracing him, the two walking hand in hand towards the field, and Gu Xiuyi speaking to him with a downward gaze.
Surprisingly, they did look like newlyweds.
"What on earth is this?!" Ji Ruan scowled at the content, quickly turning off the phone screen and shoving it back into Han Xiaolin's arms, feeling as if his face would combust if he looked any longer.
"What kind of news headline is that? Baseless! Such a tabloid-style title," Ji Ruan stuttered, flabbergasted by the antiquated gossip headline.
Taking back his phone and grabbing the fan from Ji Ruan to fan himself, Han Xiaolin smirked, "Though the phrasing is indeed sensational, they're merely interpreting the photos."
He arched an eyebrow at Ji Ruan, "Or would you, the person involved, care to clarify the real situation?"
The headline and the intimate photos were all Ji Ruan could think of. He was both embarrassed and flustered, his ears turning red, "It's all nonsense! I felt a little dizzy because of the crowd, and he just supported me. That's all!"
Han Xiaolin looked skeptical, chuckling, "Oh?"
There were just as many people in the stands as there were on the ground, with many parents accompanying their children.
Sitting next to Gu Xiuyi was a slightly chubby middle-aged man with a prosperous face, always smiling warmly. He had a DSLR camera and waved occasionally to someone in the crowd below, giving the impression of a devoted father not wanting to miss any moment of his child's life.
Their eyes met and Gu Xiuyi gave a polite nod of acknowledgment.
The older man, full of enthusiasm, sized up Gu Xiuyi and judged him too young to be a father, probably an older brother or an uncle. He patted Gu Xiuyi's shoulder and said, "Brother, are you here for your kid's registration too?"
It had been many years since anyone referred to Gu Xiuyi as a "younger brother." He responded courteously, "Yes, I am. You as well?"
The man chuckled, pointing to a sea of heads below, "That's my boy down there, by the national flag, round-faced just like me!"
Gu Xiuyi glanced in that direction, seeing no one in particular but politely remarked, "Truly distinguished in appearance."
Delighted, the man slapped his thigh, "Not just in looks! These kids who make it into Jing University are all pillars of our nation. My Little Tiger scored 681! 681! Hahaha, our ancestors must be blessing us!"
He nudged Gu Xiuyi, "What did your child score?"
Raising an eyebrow so subtly it was almost imperceptible, Gu Xiuyi covered his mouth and coughed, "He was directly admitted."
"Wow!" The man exclaimed, giving a thumbs up, "Impressive! You've done well raising him."
"Not at all," Gu Xiuyi waved off the compliment modestly, "He's just hardworking."
After a few more praises, the man returned to his camera, shouting towards the field, "Tiger, Tiger! Dad's right here! Hahaha-"
Gu Xiuyi sat quietly for a while, observing that many parents on the stands had cameras, and those without were using their phones. He sat, arms folded, feeling out of place.
After a moment's hesitation, he followed suit, took out his phone, opened the camera app, and zoomed in on Ji Ruan's location.

Ji Ruan's brilliantly smiling face filled the screen. The image was slightly pixelated due to the zoom, but Ji Ruan's curved eyes and dimples were clear.
Caught off guard by the close-up, Gu Xiuyi's heart thudded heavily, reverberating in his chest, echoing in his ears.
A warm rush flowed through him, and mysteriously, even his fingertips began to heat up.
Han Xiaolin seemed to have a knack for making jokes, always making Ji Ruan burst into laughter, his eyes curving like crescents.
Gu Xiuyi continued to gaze at the screen for a long while.
As if led by some mysterious impulse, I adjusted the frame to match the rhythm of my heartbeat and gently pressed the shutter button.
After the event ended, Han Xiaolin left first, and Gu Xiuyi found Ji Ruan waiting for him in the shade of the trees.
Ji Ruan looked spirited enough, but his complexion was off; his cheeks were flushed, but his lips were pale.
Gu Xiuyi offered a supportive gesture, "Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm fine," Ji Ruan licked his lips and frowned, "I just got a bit sunburned earlier."
He pulled out a small thermos from his bag, a gift from Auntie Zhao. It contained rock sugar pear syrup. He couldn't drink cold beverages currently, and this was perfect both for moisturizing the lungs and preventing hypoglycemia.
Ji Ruan took a few sips while sitting on the steps and, leaning on Gu Xiuyi's strength, slowly stood up, "Let's head home."
They had walked to campus to take a tour earlier, but for the return journey, Gu Xiuyi took Ji Ruan on the sightseeing cart.
The cool breeze helped clear Ji Ruan's muddled mind. He turned to Gu Xiuyi, "We have military training in a few days, can I..."
"You don't have to attend," Gu Xiuyi paid for the ride using a QR code scan - two dollars for both of them, a direct trip across the campus from the sports field to the main gate.
He turned off his phone screen and looked at Ji Ruan, "Your health isn't suited for the training. I've already made arrangements for you."
Ji Ruan's eyes lit up, sparkling in the sunlight like gleaming gemstones.
Gu Xiuyi couldn't help but stare a bit longer, "Are you that happy?"
"Of course."
Ji Ruan grinned, sending a message to Han Xiaolin to say he wouldn't be attending the military training and would arrive at the dormitory a few days later. He then contentedly pocketed his phone.
"Hungry?" Gu Xiuyi asked.
"A bit..." Ji Ruan rubbed his stomach and gazed at the leaves by the roadside, deep in thought, "I'm craving sweet and sour pork ribs..."
Gu Xiuyi suppressed a chuckle and whispered, "You can tell that to Auntie Zhao yourself."
Upon hearing that, Ji Ruan lowered his head and began rapidly texting, his lips pursed, revealing those irresistibly cute dimples.
Gu Xiuyi turned his head slightly, trying to hide his lips, but couldn't suppress the growing smile.

Author's Note:
Gu Xiuyi: You're so pleased about not having military training; will you break into that dimpled smile if I move back in with you?
Ruan Ruan: Moving to the dormitory, I'm so thrilled~

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