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Chapter 25
After the Mid-Autumn holiday, Ji Ruan dived straight into exam preparations and, having joined an additional club, started becoming increasingly busy.
Initially, he chose the Traditional Chinese Painting Club, attracted by its fewer members and serene ambiance. Their occasional gatherings to paint were rather leisurely.
However, with the university's centennial celebration approaching, the club collaborated with the school's news center on certain promotional activities. They planned to unveil a massive mural depicting the university's history on the celebration day, primarily painted by Ji Ruan and two club presidents. The project became incredibly hectic.
"Be careful..."
"Higher, higher, follow the line..."
"Hey, slow down, don't tear it..."
The school designated a spacious studio on the top floor of the clock tower, where workers were busy setting up the canvas.
The canvas, ten meters long and two and a half meters wide, was meticulously spread out and pinned to the wall, emanating an imposing aura even in its blank state.
Ji Ruan quietly observed from below. Earlier, the members had already set small draft designs. Today, with the canvas in place, they would officially begin, attempting to depict the century-long cultural evolution of the university through art.
"Ji Ruan, come have lunch," called Cheng Zizhang, holding two takeout meals and nimbly dodging the workers moving ladders.
Ji Ruan hurriedly stepped forward to help carry the food. "Thank you, senior."
"What are you thanking me for? I should be thanking you," Cheng Zizhang said as she carefully gathered numerous drafts scattered on the table. "When I recruited you, it was because you mentioned wanting tranquility. I thought our club was the most peaceful, so I coaxed you to join. Who could have predicted all this unexpected work?"
Clearing a spot on the table, Ji Ruan placed the takeout and chuckled, "Honestly, though, this project is quite meaningful."
Once exhibited during the centennial celebration, their painting would be permanently housed in the University History Museum. Throughout its hundred years, the university had produced countless notable figures. Yet how many get to be featured in the history museum?
Through painting this mural, they might be riding on the coattails of their prestigious predecessors, but they were also leaving their mark in the university's chronicles, an opportunity that was truly rare and special.
"You're absolutely right," Cheng Zizhang handed a pair of chopsticks to Ji Ruan. "Both personally and from the school's perspective, we certainly benefit from this project. The only issue is it's tiring and time-consuming. I'm genuinely concerned we might not finish in time."
Ji Ruan had previously practiced Han embroidery, where every piece emphasized self-design and self-illustration. Drawing had been a fundamental skill for him since childhood, and he had confidence in his techniques.
Given that Cheng Zizhang and the vice-president were also talented artists, and with three months left until the school celebration, the trio theoretically had enough time to complete a large mural.
However, since they were all students and had classes and daily routines, the timeframe was rather tight.
Ji Ruan opened the takeout box, smiling as he said, "Let's eat quickly then. Once we're done, we can get started... By the way, where's the vice-president?"
Cheng Zizhang, as the club president, not only had to handle the painting but also coordinate with members from the Student Union's news center. His time was stretched thin, and for the past few days, he had been constantly furrowing his brow:
"He might have gone to buy materials... Regardless, let's start. He should be back by the afternoon."
Mid-conversation, a tall, slender male student appeared at the studio door, holding what appeared to be a coffee or milk tea. He paused for a moment, gazing at the canvas stretched across the wall.
Backlit, Ji Ruan couldn't recognize who it was.
However, Cheng Zizhang seemed to know him well and waved, "Ah Qing? What brings you here?"
The one called Ah Qing took a few steps forward, illuminated by the overhead fluorescent lights. Ji Ruan recognized the face: "Lin Qing?"
Upon seeing him, Lin Qing's eyes widened in surprise, covering her mouth: "Ji Ruan? Are you from our school too?"
Caught between them, Cheng Zizhang chuckled: "So, you two know each other."
"Mm, we've met once before." Lin Qing set her warm drink on the table, skirting around how they knew each other, and smiled, "Drinks on me."
Cheng Zizhang was the first to pick up a coffee, and Ji Ruan didn't hesitate to choose a milk tea. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," Lin Qing responded casually, glancing at the canvas on the wall, "So, you're both working on this painting?"
Cheng Zizhang dabbed his lips with a napkin, "Indeed. To be honest, Ji Ruan's skills are really impressive. You'll be amazed when you see the final piece."
Turning her gaze to Ji Ruan, she added, "Ah Qing is also from our club, but he's been quite busy lately."
Lin Qing chuckled lightly, telling Ji Ruan, "Originally, I was supposed to help my senior with the painting, but I've been swamped working on a winter scene with my master. Thanks for stepping in, Ji Ruan."
"Master?" Ji Ruan's lips pursed slightly, then looked at Cheng Zizhang, "Senior?"
"Ah, that," Cheng Zizhang laughed, "I forgot to mention. Not sure if you've heard of Teacher Cheng Yunxiu, but both Ah Qing and I are her disciples, learning Han embroidery from her."
Cheng Yunxiu... Ji Ruan frowned. He seemed to have heard the name before, a faint memory lurking, but where...
That's right, the shirt!
A light bulb went off in Ji Ruan's head.

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