003 | "Meet and greet?"

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For hours the Mooney sisters had been outside riding around their neighborhood and plenty of others in Jasmine's golf cart that quite literally resembles a pirate ship

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For hours the Mooney sisters had been outside riding around their neighborhood and plenty of others in Jasmine's golf cart that quite literally resembles a pirate ship.

The two had been outside all day other than for the occasional bathroom stops, food stops, and grabbing the vlog camera and chargers.

"Oh my gosh, Ew you're like a real YouTuber," Sierra says while looking at Jasmine as she clips a mic onto her shirt. "Well, that's because I am, sweetheart."

"Did you bring me one?" Sierra asks while turning into the next block up. "Ew, what are you, a YouTuber now?" Jasmine scoffs while reaching into her bag for Sierra's mic.

"I'm kinda hungry, not even gon lie," Jasmine says while putting Sierra's mic on her shirt. "We just ate," Sierra says referring to the Chipotle they had not even 30 minutes ago.

"You're supposed to say, 'Oh, yeah me too. I'm starving.' not tell me we just ate." Jasmine says while turning on her camera and making sure it's focused.

"Oh, look! There's people." Sierra points out as Jasmine starts rolling. "Should we go mess with them?" Jasmine asks while looking at the group of kids ahead.

"I'm sure they're gonna know somethings up when they see the ship," Sierra says, this time referring to the golf cart. "Can you film and drive?"

"My sister's a freaking YouTuber, what can't I do with a camera."

Jasmine rolls her eyes at her sister's words as she waits for the ship to get a little closer to the kids. "Okay, slow down." the older girl instructs.

"Do tag," Sierra suggests, and Jasmine smiles while making sure her mic and earpiece are secure. "Which one?" Jasmine asks while letting her eyes scan the group of kids. "Braids," Sierra says while taking the camera from Jasmine's hands.

"Alright, wish me luck," Jasmine says before getting out of the ship and running over to the group. Once Jasmine gets over to the group she shouts "TAG!" as she taps the brown-skinned girl's shoulder, running off quickly after.

"Oh, shit, she's actually chasing me!"  Jasmine says when she looks back sees the girl gaining on her. "Oh my gosh, Sierra, she's fast as fuck." Jasmine laughs while trying to speed up as she listens to Sierra laugh from her earpiece.

Jasmine holds her own for a little more than 5 seconds before being tagged back. "Dude, you're actually fast as fuck" Jasmine compliments while looking at the girl that just chased her through 3 people's yards.

  "You do track or something, because oh my gosh, you are..." Jasmine begins to rant while not noticing the surprised look on the girl's face.

"Jasmine, look at her face," Sierra says, and Jasmine stops talking and actually looks at the girl's shocked expression.

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