006 | "Consider that shit garbage."

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Liked By iluvmooney, jmaloney23, and 479 others

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Liked By iluvmooney, jmaloney23, and 479 others...

hairypotter if u genuinely like school kys...
( i'm so deadass. kys.)


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user: Hate seeing happy people at 7am
hairypotter: no literally. Like tf are you smiling for ??

user: I love how she always responds to or likes everyone's comments on this acct

user: what happened to spreading positivity and love
hairypotter: that doesn't even sound like me.

user: ur so real for this post actually.

iluvmooney: never back down, never what??
jmaloney23: NEVER GIVE UP ‼️
hairypotter: gave up on this school shit freshman year.

jmaloney23: Well this isn't too kid friendly 👎
hairypotter: im not even regular friendly.

user: I couldn't agree more

user: Why are you still going to school even? Aren't you famous??
hairypotter: nah, im just a girl.

⭑ Real Life ⭑

"Do you guys just wanna skip the first two bells?" Raven, Jasmine's best friend asks from the backseat of Jasmine's car.

"Absolutely not."

Raven rolls her eyes at the shared response from the Mooney sisters. The two girls tend to be in sync a lot but that's not what caused the eye roll.

"Guys, I don't wanna skip alone." Raven whines and while Jasmine simply shrugs knowing she'd get in so much trouble if she even thought about skipping, Sierra turns the radio up to drown out Raven's complaints.

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