Chapter 15

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On the other hand, with Tae

Tae and Jimin were at their office and were working on their next collection. They took a small break while working when Tae spoke gaining Jimin's attention, "Have you done what I asked you to do?"

"Yeah!", said Jimin. Tae smiled and said, "I can't wait to see her around." Jimin rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Why I agreed to help him?" "When is she coming, huh?", asked Tae.

"We still didn't get her reply Tae", said Jimin while sipping his coffee. "WHAT? Have you followed up with her?", asked Tae. Jimin shook his head and was about to say something but before that Tae spoke in a loud voice, "Are you insane? Don't forget you promised to help me." Jimin covered his ears dramatically and said, "Stop yelling. Are you mad? I just sent her the offer letter this morning and its only afternoon. Do you expect her to revert to us so early, huh?"

Tae said, "Umm.. you are right. Lets wait a little more. But what if she will not accept our offer?" Jimin said confidently, "She will accept. It was her dream to work in our company. And when I am here then you don't need to worry. I will make sure that she joins us as early as possible." "Don't do anything stupid Jimin-ah", said Tae.

"Yahh! I am an expert at such things. Do you even know how many girls I have dated", said Jimin while chuckling a little. Tae sighed and sipped his coffee and said, "Yeah yeah! Mr. Park Jimin... the flirting expert." Jimin just laughed.

They were about to go back to their cabin when Jimin's phone ringed. It was his secretary. He picked up the call and talked on phone. After cutting the call, he said, "She reverted and accepted our offer." Tae happily looked at Jimin and spoke, "Wow... really? So early."

Jimin laughed and said, "It was the best offer I ever made to anyone." Tae hugged Jimin and said cheerfully, "Yes finally!! Thank you Jimin-ah!" Jimin smiled and said, "She is coming tomorrow to our office. So be ready and don't mess up. Don't give her much stress about past." Tae nodded and mumbled, "I am sure you will fall in love with me again Yoona."

Time skips, around 8 pm

Yoongi and Sohee reached Kim mansion. After getting free from the base, they decided to spend some quality time together. So, they went to some garden and then for shopping.

Yoongi parked his car and they both came out. Yoongi opened the back door of the car and took out the shopping bags. "Give me some of the bags", said Sohee. "Why you always says this when you know I am not going to let you carry anything?", said Yoongi. Sohee just smiled and pecked his cheeks. "Okay baby", said Sohee. Then they both went inside while talking and giggling.

They both went to their room and got freshen up.

After sometime, they went to the dining area for having their dinner. Yoongi asked to the maid, "Where are Tae, Jungkook and Jimin? Call them for dinner." The maid answered, "Sir, Tae sir and Jimin sir are still not at home and Jungkook sir is coming."

Yoongi just hummed and settled down on the table with Sohee. After a minute, Jungkook came and also settled down. They started having their dinner while talking. Yoongi's mood was good but Jungkook always have to do something to get scolded by Yoongi.

He asked Yoongi, "Hyung?". Yoongi looked at him and hummed. Jungkook took a deep breath and asked, "I.... I was just asking that.. w-where is that black box? I needed to deliver it to Jin hyung at the base, right?" Yoongi spoke plainly, "I already send it to Jin hyung." Jungkook nodded and then asked, "C-can I go to the base f-from tomorrow?"

Yoongi stopped eating and glared Jungkook and spoke in a deep scary voice, "What I told you yesterday?" "Hyung, please.... I am fine now and I rested whole day. My injuries are also better no--------", said Jungkook but flinched when Yoongi banged his hand on table in anger and yelled, "You really can't stay without getting scolded from me. Its your daily routine nowadays, isn't it?" Sohee put her hand on Yoongi's to calm him down.

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