Chapter 21

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With Tae and Jimin, at Vante

Tae and Jimin were working on their new collection at their workspace with other designers of the Company. Tae and Jimin both were engrossed in making a design. They both were standing in front of the canvas and creating their next masterpiece. Sometime, Tae stroked some lines and designs on the canvas and other time, Jimin. This is how they works. Two brilliant minds working together.

Tae spoke, "Jimin-ah, see hows this?" "Umm looking okay but I think we can add this small detail here.... see... like this", said Jimin while adding a little detail to the design. "Whats say?", asked Jimin. "This is nice but I think the color combination is very common and predictable.... lets go for some different combination that no one tried before", said Tae. Then Jimin looked at the color palette in front of him and started thinking.

They were working continously and Yoona too. But she was glancing occasionally at Tae. She was about to take a sip from her coffee but suddenly the hot coffee fell on her. She abruptly stood up gaining everyone's attention. Tae immediately took his steps towards her in worry but one of the team members, Sohun, already started helping her. He asked her worridly, "Are you okay, Yoona? Huh? You are not hurt right?"

She answered him, "No no I am fine." "Here", said Sohun and offered her handkerchief to Yoona. Yoona hesitently took his handkerchief and thanked him. Then she looked at everyone and said, "I am sorry everyone. I will just come back in a minute from washroom." Everyone nodded but Tae was just staring at her. They made a eye contact for a moment.

Then she turned around to leave, just then Sohun spoke, "Come I will help you." "No no I am fine.... I will manage", said Yoona. "How you will manage alone? See your clothes are all ruined. Come I will give you my blazer.... you can use that", said Sohun with worry. Tae clenched his jaw and his fist tightly in anger. Jimin saw Tae's face and understood that he is very angry right now. Jimin was worried that if Tae burst out in anger then it will not be good.

Jimin was about to say something but before that the tiger roared. Tae shouted, "Mr. Sohun!!!" Everyone present there flinched. It was the first time Tae yelled at someone like this. Nobody saw him angry before. Yoona looked at Tae's angry face and gulped. Sohun looked at Tae and spoke while stuttering,"Y-yes sir?" Jimin facepalmed himself and mumbled, "He is gone now."

Tae yelled on the poor employee, "What about the work I asked you to do? Is it done already?" Sohun gulped and said, "N-no sir its not yet completed. Its about-------". Tae cut him off in between who spoke in a stern voice, "I would like to check its progress. In my cabin right now!"

Sohun nodded and said, "Y-yes sir." "Stop speaking and start doing", said Tae harshly and started leaving from there. He left from there while glaring at Yoona. Yoona gulped and thought, "Is it because of me? I disturbed everyone in their work.... is that why he got this much angry?" Sohun collected all his papers and files from the desk and lastly his laptop and left the workspace and went towards Tae's cabin.

Every other employee was still at their places. Yoona also kept standing there while looking towards Tae's cabin. Just then Jimin tapped the table and said, "Guys don't worry..... nothing happened. Tae was just feeling a little tensed since morning because of work. Everyone, get back to work." Everyone nodded and went to their respective desks. Yoona also left.

Jimin sighed and went towards their cabin and entered in and saw Tae yelling at Sohun. He heard him saying, "What is this huh? This is how you works?" "S-sir, it will not happen again", said Sohun. "Just go and do it again. I want it completed today only. Start paying attention to your work rather than anywhere else. I will not tolerate another mistake. Am I clear?", said Tae strictly.

Sohun bowed and picked up his stuff and left quietly. Jimin went towards Tae and asked, "What was that Tae?" Tae rubbed his forehead in frustation & took a deep breath and said, "I don't know what happened to me suddenly." Jimin went towards the desk and gave him a glass of water and said, "Calm down Tae. You can't yell at someone just because he went closer to Yoona." Tae took a few sips of water and said, "What should I do then? I finally met her after 3 years but she don't remember anything and now some other person is trying to come closer to her. I will definitely get mad."

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