Chapter 48

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Time skips, late night

Yoongi entered the Kim mansion, all tired. He saw the mansion was quiet, so most probably everyone must be sleeping. He headed upstairs to check on Tae & Jungkook once. He first went to Jungkook's room and slowly entered in. He saw Jungkook lying in his bed with his phone in his hand. Yoongi frowned and went closer to him and spoke, "Kook, what are you doing?"

Jungkook got startled because of the sudden voice and he immediately hid his phone under the blanket and sat straight on the bed and said, "H-hyung, y-you here? A-at this time?" Yoongi spoke in a stern voice, "Why you didn't slept yet? What were you doing at this hour?" "H-hyung, ummm.... I.... a-actually I was--------", spoke Jungkook nervously. "What I was Jungkook? Huh? What are you upto now?", asked Yoongi strenly.

"N-nothing hyung..... I just couldn't sleep. T-that's why", said Jungkook. "Don't use your phone and try to sleep. And if I get to know that you did something again which I will not like, then no one will be worse than me. Understood?", said Yoongi strictly. Jungkook looked down and nodded his head. "Words Jungkook!", said Yoongi. "Y-yeah hyung... understood", said Jungkook in a low voice. Yoongi hummed and said, "Sleep now and don't use your phone now, otherwise I will take it from now."

Jungkook pouted and immediately laid down on the bed and got under his blanket. Yoongi shook his head and mumbled, "This boy!!"

Then he adjusted Jungkook's blanket a bit and turned off all the lights and went out of the room.

The moment Yoongi went out, Jungkook peeked out of the blanket and took his phone out and opened it. He continued what he was doing, and that was messaging Eunwoo. Jungkook might or might not be missing him and he definitely didn't want to go to his apartment right now or want him near himself.

Anyways, so, on the the other hand, Yoongi went to Tae's room and opened his room's door slowly and found him sleeping peacefully. He quietly sat on his bed and caressed his hair, then spoke in low voice, "Sleep well baby. Your hyungie is always there for you." Then he adjusted his blanket and went out of the room.

After Yoongi went out, Tae opened his eyes as he was not actually sleeping but was only pretending. He was thinking about Yoona and how to take her to the hospital. What he will say to her? Why he wants to take her to the hospital? How he will handle the situation? He kept thinking and mumbled, "I know hyung you are always there for me but I need to handle all this by myself. I will get my love back." He then sighed and turned around and closed his eyes trying to sleep again.

In Yoongi's room

Yoongi quietly entered in his own room and saw Sohee doing something on her laptop. He asked her gaining her attention, "You didn't sleep yet?" Sohee didn't answer to him and continued doing what she was doing. Yoongi then went into the washroom and freshened up. Then he went and laid beside Sohee and hugged her waist.

"You ate something?", asked Sohee plainly. "Yeah, I did. You ate babe?", asked Yoongi. Sohee just hummed. Then she put her laptop away on the bedside table and removed Yoongi's hand from her waist and laid on the bed quietly backfacing Yoongi. Yoongi frowned and back-hugged her and pulled her closer. Sohee didn't said anything. Yoongi started running his lips on Sohee's neck. Sohee moved a little away from Yoongi and said in a low voice, "Stop it... let me sleep."

"What happened baby? Are you angry with me, huh?", asked Yoongi softly still hugging her. Then there was complete silence for few seconds. Sohee then spoke after a few seconds, "Why didn't you visited the hospital for your check-up? And you are not even taking your medicines on time."

"I am fine Sohee. You are just overreacting. I was------", said Yoongi but was cut-off in between when Sohee spoke in a little loud voice, "Am I overreacting, huh? Do you have any idea how much scared I was that day?" Yoongi sighed and turned around Sohee by force to make her face himself. Sohee tried to push him away but Yoongi firmly held her in his embrace. He stroked her hair softly and spoke, "I am sorry. I know I made you too much worried that day but I am fine now. This is nothing for me. I am all well."

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