Chapter 16

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Flashback continued

Jungkook glared at the person coming towards him along with many men. They all circled around Jungkook. As soon as the other person came closer to him, Jungkook spat in anger, "What you want now? Get lost from here." The other person didn't spoke anything for few seconds but then sighed and mumbled, "Sorry Jungkook!"

Then he signalled one of the men and that man went closer to Jungkook and injected him on his neck from behind. Jungkook lost his consciousness.

After some time, Jungkook opened his eyes slowly. He felt slight headache. He clenched his head and looked at his surroundings. It was dark and it was looking like some kind of basement. He was lying on the floor. His hands, legs and waist tied with heavy long chains and the chains were connected to the wall. He sat down slowly and looked around but couldn't find anyone.

Then the gate of the room opened and someone entered in. He looked at the person and clenched his jaw in anger and spoke, "Leave me... I need to go... why are you doing this to me?"

The other person sighed and crouched down near Jungkook and offered him water and said, "Have it Kook!" Jungkook pushed away the glass and it fell on the ground. Jungkook yelled, "I said leave me." "I will leave you once you promise me that you will not do this work", said the other person. "No hyung... I will never promise you that. And what you think... keeping me chained like this will change anything, huh? No.... I will continue to do it", said Jungkook.

Yoongi got up and turned around to leave but stopped when heard Jungkook saying, "So that bastard brought me here, huh. I will not leave him now." Yoongi spoke without looking at Jungkook, "He was just doing what I asked him to do." "What? Y-you asked Eunwoo to bring me here?", asked Jungkook. Yoongi turned around and looked at Jungkook and spoke, "So do you think that he would have guts to do something like this to you, huh?"

Jungkook looked away and asked, "How you got to know where I was going?" "Thats not important", said Yoongi and moved towards the door to leave. He heard Jungkook saying, "Leave me hyung.... please." "I am not going to leave you unless you give up on this nonsense", said Yoongi. "Then lets see how long you are going to keep me here", said Jungkook. Yoongi clenched his fist in anger and left the room furiously.

After Yoongi left, Jungkook just kept his head low in his knees.

After sometime, the door opened again and this time a doctor came inside along with Eunwoo. Eunwoo spoke without looking at Jungkook but blankly staring at the wall, "The doctor is here to treat your leg." "I don't need anyone... just leave", said Jungkook in anger. "Its Yoongi sir's order", said Eunwoo.

Before Jungkook could say anything, Enwoo looked at the doctor and said, "You can do your work." The doctor went towards Jungkook and crouched down to his level but as soon as the doctor reached closer to Jungkook, he threw a punch towards the doctor but the doctor stopped him by grabbing his fist tightly. He spoke, "I am just doing my work. Please.... its bosses' order."

Jungkook threw another punch on him but the doctor dodged it easily. Jungkook was able to move his hands and legs but not that much freely as he was chained. Jungkook yelled, "Leave from here. Just leave." The doctor sighed and got up and walked towards Eunwoo and said, "I can't treat him like this. He is not cooperating." "I will go and talk to Yoongi sir", said Eunwoo.

The doctor nodded. "I will call you again later. You can leave", said Eunwoo to the doctor. The doctor left. After doctor left, Eunwoo spoke to Jungkook, "Please don't hurt yourself like this Jungkook." "No need to show your concern to me when you are the one who did all this. You brought me here", said Jungkook.

"I just did what Yoongi hyung asked me to do", said Eunwoo. "So.... if he will ask you to kill me then you will kill me right?", said Jungkook. Eunwoo sighed and said, "You are not in your right mind Jungkook." "Wow... now I am the one who is not in his right mind. You are doing blindly whatever hyung asks you to do, huh.... what about that?", said Jungkook in anger. Before Eunwoo could say anything, Jungkook spoke, "How he got to know about me? Was he spying on me? Tell me the truth."

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