Chapter 22

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Time skips, evening time, around 9 pm

Yoongi was at his base planning on something. Jin, Namjoon and Hobi were also there. They all were in the meeting room. After they were done discussing about their work, Jin spoke, "Hufff! I am tired." Yoongi spoke after gulping down some water, "Lets go guys. I think we should leave now."

"I will just check the security once then we can leave", said Hobi. Namjoon said, "Ahh! I was working non-stop on this since morning. neck." Yoongi chuckled and went towards Namjoon and massaged his neck a bit. "Ohhhh.... it feels nice... yeah yeah", he exclaimed. "Come on kiddo... get up now... lets go home", said Jin to Namjoon. "I am not a kid", said Namjoon while glaring at Jin.

"Yeah yeah.... lets go", said Jin. Namjoon nodded and got up from the chair and said, "Bye.... see you all tomorrow." They were leaving but just then all the security alarms started buzzing. They all got alert. "Whats wrong?", said Namjoon. Jin immediately opened his laptop and checked the security. Then he informed to the others, "Two big trucks have entered our base."

Just then Hobi received the information through his watch from one of the guards, "Sir... there are two trucks at the base. They have bashed the main gate of the base and entered in. We have covered the trucks and are ready to blow then off. Waiting for your next order." Hobi spoke, "Hold."

"Lets go", said Yoongi and they all pulled out their guns and immediately ran towards the entrance of the base. When they were running towards the entrance, Yoongi connected to the head guard of the mansion and said, "Double up the security at the mansion. Where is everyone?"

He recieved a reply, "Everyone is inside the mansion except Jungkook sir." "Inform Sohee and ask her to check on him and handle the things there", said Yoongi. "Yes sir", said the guard.

They finally reached to the main gate and saw two big trucks there. Yoongi and others cocked their guns. A lots of guards were aiming at the trucks and were fully covering them. Yoongi stepped ahead. Eunwoo was also present there. Yoongi asked him, "Got to know something?" "Nothing is clearly visible... so we can't detect number of people but there are some kind of metal things in the trucks", informed Eunwoo. "Possibility of any explosive?", asked Yoongi. "Don't know sir", said Eunwoo.

Yoongi hummed and took some steps towards the truck. Jin spoke, "Be careful." Yoongi soon reached close to the trucks and spoke loudly, "You are covered from every direction. Come out and surrender." But there was no movement. Yoongi warned this time, "I am counting till 3... after that my people will start firing."

Everyone was ready to fire on their enemies. Yoongi started counting, "1.............. 2...................."

Before he could count further, the door of one of the trucks got opened. Yoongi gestured everyone to get ready for firing. Soon a person came out of the truck and started walking towards Yoongi. As soon as Yoongi recognized the person, he ordered everyone to put down their guns.

The person was none other than Jungkook. Yoongi was confused and a bit angry too. He shouted, "WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE HUH?" Jungkook said, "This is not nonsense hyung.... its your surprise." Yoongi sighed and rubbed his forehead with tip of his gun and asked, "What is all this?"

"Hyung this is your gift..... weapon consignment of gang red. I told you... I will get you the entire consignment. See.... I did it", said Jungkook after taking a deep breath, because ofcourse he was somewhere afraid of his hyung's reaction. Jin, Hobi, Namjoon and Eunwoo glanced at Yoongi. He was not showing any expression.

There was complete silence for few minutes. Nobody spoke anything. After some time, Yoongi chuckled darkly and turned around and took his steps towards Jin, Namjoon and Hobi. He looked at them with fierce eyes controlling his anger and asked in a loud voice, "Who helped him?" Jin sighed and stepped forward and said trying to calm down Yoongi, "Yoongi-ah... listen ------".

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