Chapter 2: Through The Gate

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After a long morning without anything to eat, Itami lost himself to a fine breakfast. He filled his plate with cooked eggs, fresh bacon, wheat bread, and seasoned chicken, then washed it down with strong hot coffee from Noshfael. Forest almost howled in delight as she, too, savored the thick cuts of beef laid out before her and the other dragons. After finishing her plate, she sniffed the great platter of Dutchess Brundhilda's dragon and got a sharp nip for her efforts. The green dragon pouted before a servant refilled her plate, earning the man a lick before she wagged her tail and resumed the feast. Across the table, Suzaka scrutinized the food before taking a few bites. Itami smirked, for the samurai clearly trained to conceal his delight but failed, nor was he alone.

Bozes sat beside Bruno and ate with bright pink cheeks spread into a child-like smile. Bruno almost laughed after she started drinking her third cup of coffee. The titanic knight reached over and took the mug from her hands, and she pouted at him while shaking a little. She muttered a few frustrated words before he steadied her body with a firm hand on her shoulder. "Not too fast on the coffee, fraulein."

"But I love it! It's so good! I want to drink it every day for the rest of my life!" She almost shouted.

"Vielleicht, but drink too much too quickly, and you'll make yourself sick, fraulein. Trust me."

Bozes kept her cheeks puffed, but they turned a little red as she returned to her food. Itami wanted to chuckle but soon noticed Pina had hardly touched her breakfast. Instead, the Princess listened intently to the conversations going on around her among the high nobility. Itami had not taken a good look himself and peered over those in attendance. The Kaiserin, High Chancellor, and Heir Apparent were not present, probably in the capital managing affairs and preparing for the campaign season, while Joseph handled matters here. However, many of the southern Dukes and Counts did arrive alongside their wives, who spoke with the same authority as their husbands. When a Countess corrected a Duke across the table and got support from Kaiser Joseph, Pina blinked in disbelief.

"Women are equal to their husbands in Aciemes society, Pina." Itami whispered.

He savored her frightened expression as she jumped a little, then glared at him. He gestured to her breakfast, and she reluctantly started eating.

"You will need your strength, my uncle will not be as gentle as me in his questioning. He is a conqueror." Itami gestured to Joseph.

Pina tried to sit up straight and appear unintimidated, but the Kaiser's imposing size and demeanor proved too much. His colossal three-headed dragon did not help either. Itami started to smirk when he noticed his father staring at him. The Prince waivered and looked away, but Pina saw this and started to smirk, like a shark smelling blood in the water.

"What's that about then?"

"Nothing. My father and I just have not always seen eye to eye on everything is all. It's none of your concern."

"I don't know, you are a prince. Knowing the complex political situation in which I find myself in is of upmost importance-"

"Princess Pina, is it then?" Kaiser Joseph spoke.

His voice almost shook the table as seismic waves seemed to follow his movements. Pina yelped with Bozes and Sherry and sat up straight with quivering skin. Itami found himself smiling again and steadied her with a firm hand on her shoulder. The rose-haired young woman found the strength to nod and then bowed her head again with her companions. All eyes now fixed themselves upon Pina, who struggled to find words even with Itami's steadying hand.

"Ja, your majesty. I am Princess Pina, daughter of Emperor Molt Augustus."

"Tell me, Princess. For what reason did you create that gate and invade my empire? What sin did we commit to earn your wrath upon my people."

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