Chapter 3: The Special Region

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Light shined through the gate, and Itami emerged into a new world. He struggled to take it all in. Bright blue sky brought sunlight down upon vast grassy plains and an expanse of snow-covered mountains behind them. Peering through Forest's dragon eyes, he spotted small settlements in the distance and a coastline further off, with forests leading up into higher hills.

"So beautiful." Itami said.

"Home." Pina muttered.

Suzaka and Crusher flew in close behind. The samurai focused less on the environment and more so on their quarrel. He grinned and pointed to the base of the hill. Itami looked down and saw Pina's wide grin. There rested a mighty army. Tens of thousands of men gathered around a city of tents and wooden fortifications. Walls, ditches, and spikes protected the camp. The centermost portion flew a purple banner depicting a dragon with a yellow blade cross in the center. Itami remembered it as one of the banners brought by Pina's forces. Thousands more of the legionaries they encountered in the commune moved about in the camp alongside men equites riders, wyverns, and archers.

However, these forces were not alone. An assortment of different contingents flying different banners joined the legions. They wore less standardized gear of mail or scale armor. Some wore none at all, including many minotaurs, pig monsters, and other mercenary beasts. Itami guessed the other humans were vassals of the Empire brought as auxiliaries.

"Impressed, barbarian?" Pina boasted.

"We shall see." Itami said.

Remembering the promise to his parents, Itami set about his duties as a captain. He handed Pina to a pair of Royal knights to keep under guard while Bruno did the same with Bozes. Together, they directed the forces under Itami's command and began building their own defenses along the hilltop. Soldiers continued to pour in all morning as those already in the Special Region started digging trenches, planting stakes, and setting up war machines. Others set up their encampment around the gate and unloaded provisions.

Itami helped his men and labored away with a shovel while Bruno shoved stakes into the openings. His magical roots made the work far easier for common soldiers as they cleared up much of the dirt, and Forest scooped up larger quantities with her paws. Both glanced at Suzaka further off, who knelt down and drank tea while surveying the enemy army before them. Bruno rolled his eyes while Itami sweatdropped.

"He is here for battle and glory."

"Ja, but he could help."

A few of the soldiers chuckled before snapping to attention and bowing. Itami wiped some sweat from his brow and looked up to see what was the commotion. There, a young man his age in black dragon-esk magicae armor and a matching epaulet jacket cape with the Imperial Coat of Arms on it stood before him. His golden blonde hair was cut short, and bright blue eyes like the sky met Itami's.

"Ahh guten tag, cousin."

"Itami." Prince Frederick said.

Bruno shook his head and grabbed Itami before dragging him down into a bow. The men and Forest chuckled, and even Frederick got a laugh.

"As you were, preparing the hill for battle is more important than bowing." Frederick's black dragon, Drache, said.

Frederick was roughly Itami's age and size. Kaiser Joseph's third son and uncle to four sons by his oldest brother and two by his next oldest, his prospects for taking the throne were only a little better than Itami's. Still, Joseph entrusted him with such an important task.

"You acted promptly, Itami. I suppose miracles can happen, mon ami." Someone else chuckled.

Another young man with short honey-blonde hair stepped beside Frederick. He stood a few inches taller at six foot eight with a powerful body beneath his silver magicae armor and epaulet jacket cape. A pair of green eyes fitting his handsome face met Itami, who rubbed the back of his head.

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