Chapter 7: Second Chances

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Jean held Tuka in his arms and savored the warmth that emanated through his epaulet jacket cape, which was still covering her body. The elf wrapped both arms around his armored body with her head under his. The knight cherished every moment of the embrace despite the clopping of horse hooves and bumps every so often.

They rode atop a horse among the other scouts and mounted sergeants while Crusher flew overhead carrying Suzaka. Jean avoided the gaze and huffs from Silver, who flew only a few yards over them. The dragon puffed up her cheeks and narrowed her eyes at Jean.

The dragon knight gulped as a sweatdrop rolled down the side of his head. Tuka refused to ride with anyone but Jean but almost passed out when he tried to bring her to Silver. Given what happened to her village and people, he could not blame Tuka for fearing dragons.

Despite Bella's attempts to console Tuka, her lips remained sealed since they began their journey back to Alnus Hill. The nun rode beside them and kept her eyes fixed on the elf.

"She looks just like a lumen. I saw a few when I attended Princess Eloise's wedding in Envidia. It's actually kind of odd. Has she said anything to you?"

"No." Jean sighed and stroked the back of her head. "I still don't speak her language, but even if I did, she just lost her home, family, and everyone she ever knew. She's probably still in shock."

"Ja, perhaps. We have specialists who deal with such trauma. One of them should be able to help her. I shall pray for Saint Circe to intercede for the poor fraulein."


Jean struggled to take his eyes off Tuka and lost track of time. Perhaps it was sympathy for what happened to her. Maybe it was the codes of chivalry demanding a knight defending a maiden and her honor. Or it could have been his love of the Father and his children. Then again, he also risked his life against a monster dragon to save her too. Whatever the reason, Jean held Tuka close and refused to leave her in such a state of helplessness.

"Basking in your conquest, Monsieur?" Suzaka chuckled as Crusher flew overhead.

Tuka yelped after seeing the Kaigai dragon and buried her face into Jean's neck. The Royaume knight tore into the samurai with his narrowed eyes. The idea that he would take advantage of Tuka and bed her in such a state set a fiery rage inside Jean. He almost shot a beam of light at Suzaka, but the samurai held his hands up while Crusher flew off.

"I'm just saying she is beautiful, more beautiful than any woman I've ever seen. If you don't want her-"

"Touch her and die."

Silver growled with Jean and snapped her jaws at Suzaka.

"Fine, there's bound to be other elves here I can pursue. Once they find out how I battled the Flame Dragon."

"Have you no decency?" Bella said with fierce eyes.

"I have plenty. I never force myself on any woman and will kill the man who does so."

Jean relaxed a little and nodded. This, at least, he could agree with. Soon enough, Alnus Hill came into sight. Vultures still circled over the old battlefield, but no local human plunderers dared approach. Not that there was much left. Jean kept Tuka close, but her eyes remained shut.

"Look whose back." Suzaka said and gestured to the other road leading to Alnus Hill. Forest flew over the road alongside Löwe. Only half the troops from Itami's force marched or rode with him, but Jean eased his stance when he saw the assortment of legionary prisoners matching among them.

"They must have taken the town." Jean said.

"Let's find out. Hey! Good hunting on your end!?" Suzaka cried.

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