Chapter 6

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                                    Onyx's POV
"All you should've done is ask."

"When it comes to asking for things...your answers don't mean shit to me. Got it? You're my little sister so you do what I fucking tell you to. I'm always gonna be better than you. When we're'll be lucky if I keep your ass around. Clean my mess up for me."

I didn't say anything. I just picked up the candy wrappers and threw them out. There's no point in hiding my snacks and sodas. She'll only tear my room up.

"Hey girlie!"

She ran up to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Are you bringing anyone to Casey's birthday party?"

"Oh uh no. I know you're probably bringing Brad."

"I'm actually not."


"He's grounded and he's not allowed to leave the house. Buckley can though. You should ask him."

"Who're you gonna bring then?"

"I was thinking...I'd bring Gina."


"Yeah. Is there something wrong with that?"

"No. I was making sure you were talking about the right Gina."


Buckley couldn't come. He had to help watch Bradley. I put on a mask so I wouldn't worry anyone. I ran around and played with all of my younger cousins.

I stayed inside while everyone was in the pool. Georgina walked up to me.

"What're you doing here?"

"Oh uh...I accidentally forgot my bathing suit."

"Probably for the best though."


"Have you seen yourself? You're gross. The only good things about you are your boobs and ass. Everything else is gross. Well...your eyes are kinda pretty. Besides that? There's no good qualities about you."

I wrapped my arms around my stomach.

"Oh and you've got good hips too."

Ava ran in.

"There you are! What happened to getting a snack?"

"I got distracted. Me and Nyx were just talking."

"Oh! Buckley is able to come now. He's on his way."

The doorbell rang and I went to open it. I saw Buckley.

"Hey pretty girl."

I started hugging him.

"Sorry it took so long. My mom got home early."

"Bucky? Am I gross?"

"What? No. Who said you are?"


"Of course it was her. You're not gross. You're beautiful. Gina's the gross one."

I melted into his arms. I started telling him everything she said. He picked up a strand of my hair.

"She hates this? Is she blind? You literally have perfect hair. She's insane."

He started running his fingers through my hair.

"It's never really knotty either. My fingers are able to slide right through your hair. You never get split ends. I honestly love your hair. You're like a real life Rapunzel just with brown hair. know...before it was cut. Where's everyone?"

"Outside. I forgot my bathing suit on purpose."

"I have mine but I won't go in the pool. I'll just stay in here with you. Let me just go tell Gina and Ava, I'm here. I'll be back."

He walked away and wandered outside.

He loves my hair?

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